cousin's visiting

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3rd person
When issac and liam where getting up in the morning. To realize how messy the house was they were shocked they thought to themselves what if  someone broke in the house but nothing was taken when two people called their name.

Lesile: liam

Liam: cousin juile what are you doing here

Lesile: visiting and remember nico birthday coming around

Liam: that's true

Nico: issac

Issac: nico when did you get here?

Nico: yesterday, are you hungry cousins because I made macaroni cheese

Issac: yeah I'm actually hungry

Liam: yeah I could eat

The cousins are eating and they are talking about how nico birthday party and the ideas he has and issac and liam agreed with the ideas for his party they are gonna have a busy day nico and Lesile mom is friends with issac and liam dad which between them they are talking about nico birthday. They also are gonna go to the same school as issac and liam.

Why can't you just leave me alone (scisaac and thiam) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now