do care about me

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Issac POV
The next day at school, liam and I arrive. I decided to avoid scott like try to not bump into him today because after yesterday of the fight. I have it clear why is, he chasing me if he loves his ex-girlfriend anyway. People from here are confusing, unlike people at Brazil. I get to chemistry class as fast as I could, but instead of sitting in the back, I sit infront. People start coming in the class. I was covering my face.

Scott came, and he looked at me. I just hope he doesn't dare sit behind me shoot! He's sitting behind me He's literally calling my named but I ignore him. He pulls at my jacket I move my shoulder.

Scott POV
I'm trying to get issac to talk to me he looks like he was Ingoring me. I see his hand I reach I hold his hand he trys to slide his hand out but I don't let him I hold his hand tight stiles notice this he smile with a thumbs up I held his hand the entire class time his hand twitch a little bit.

Issac POV
Scott didn't let go of my hand. I wanted to hit him so badly I just want to hit him. Why is he doing this to me? I said to myself only my mother in the sky knows how much i hate him.

Liam POV
I'm in class. I decided to sit like in the infront because I didn't want theo to be looking at me. He came to class when he see me he sits right behind me damn it, the class starts, he's literally calling my name. I ignored him. The next thing he does is hold my hand when he grab my hand. I was I was trying to get him to let go but he but he was holding my hand to tight.

Jeez only my mother in the sky knows how much I hate this guy

Theo POV
When I was trying to call his name, he was ignoring me, so I saw his hand. I slowly grab his hand he was trying to slide his hand out, but he couldn't because of was holding his hand to tight. Class ended. I let go, and he makes a run for the door.

Scott POV
Class ended. I let go of his hand. After that, he gets up quickly and rushes for the door stiles, and I walked through the hallways. Stiles is talking about derek. When I see issac at his locker, I just lean my head on one of the lockers and just watched issac. After that, he goes to his next class but I tell stiles I'll be right back.

Issac POV
I'm walking to class, and liam went to grabs his stuff from his locker. I was almost to class when someone pulls me in an empty classroom. What the? I said it was Scott. What do you want? I asked him I need to know something? He asked me know, what I said. I need to know if you feel something, he said no, I don't feel nothing I said how come your uncle jacob stop me and tyler from fighting he asked me

If your thinking the other way around let me tell that your thinking wrong it wasn't me who sent my uncle jacob to stop the fighting between you and tyler it was my auntie Mia because she doesn't like it when people fight my uncle jacob didn't want to go he rather see your face to get rip off but no my auntie insisted! I don't care about you Scott I never cared about you, I will always  hate you, I'm only asking you once stay hell away from me! I said. Issac? Wait... he said but I ignore him with that I walked out.

I went to class off when my phone goes off it was my dad, and he sent a text message saying that we're going out to eat later and our uncle jacob is coming for me and liam after school because he's also going to we're going like around seven that'...

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I went to class off when my phone goes off it was my dad, and he sent a text message saying that we're going out to eat later and our uncle jacob is coming for me and liam after school because he's also going to we're going like around seven that's the time he get out well good thing came from today. I said Okay and head to class I bump into my brother he also looked upset.

Liam POV
I was getting my stuff from my locker for class after I got my textbook headed to class. When someone pulls me in a janitor's office, it was theo what the hell are you theo? I asked him I want to asked you something? He said what! I said is hate all you have toward me? he asked yes hate is all I have toward you i said now leave me alone! I said "liam wait. He said but I ignored him and went to class

He stopped I wanted to do that he siad I couldn't hold it back any longer he said you shouldn't have done that all I've been doing was trying to get you to stay away from me how hard is that to understand theo you should've hold everything back Just like the other people do I said with that I walked away from him and went to class I bump into my brother issac he to did not look in a good mood we both went to class.

I just kept on thinking about why does he do this to me why can't he just under the word stay away from me just leave me alone already I'm getting really frustrated about this

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I just kept on thinking about why does he do this to me why can't he just under the word stay away from me just leave me alone already I'm getting really frustrated about this. The school day went on I ingoure theo I didn't even look at him Issac did the same thing with scott looks like he did something to issac to physical education class came around issac and I have that class together now which theo, scott,brett,stiles also have this class

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Don't want to talk to you

Why can't you just leave me alone (scisaac and thiam) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now