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third pov :: baek eunju

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third pov :: baek eunju

Walking into the lunch hall, Baek Eunju's eyes danced around the room in search for her friend group. There was no sign of either Kyungmi or Sunoo at their usual table, and so she let out a sigh.

She hated arriving first. It always made her feel like everyone stared at her when she would sit alone, waiting for her friends to join her and that made her want to escape the cafeteria as soon as possible.

Though, today was different. She wouldn't have to wait by herself because Park Sunghoon was quick on approaching her and wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

It took Eunju by surprise and she quickly looked up at him with confusion written in her eyes, but it she was swiftly reminded of their arrangement once Sunghoon glanced his eyes at her as a way of refreshing her memory.

Without hesitation, Eunju wrapped her arm around the boys waist and her eyes landed directly on his table, where his usual friendship group were sat around, laughing amongst one another.

"Sit with us." Sunghoon stated. "My friends need to see that we're 'dating', so this whole thing can become more believable." He explained and at first, hesitance ran throughout Eunju's veins.

What about her own friends? She couldn't just leave them. She wasn't that type of person.

"But what about my friends?" She questioned, looking back up at the taller boy.

"They can sit with us." He reassured and she nodded her head, her eyes lightening up once she caught sight of Sunoo and Kyungmi walking into the hall together.

The girl dismissed herself from Sunghoon and hurried over to her friends, who looked rather confused as to why she was walking away from Park Sunghoon.

"There's a change of plans..." Eunju slowly began. "We're going to be sitting with Sunghoon and his friends." She told them and instantly felt her heart beat pick up at the sight of Kyungmi's face.

The girls eyes had widened and her mouth hung low in shock as annoyance became apparent on her face. "Why?" She questioned. "I don't like them."

"But Sunghoon and I are dating now —"

"What?" Sunoo cut Eunju off with a gasp as he clasped his hand over his mouth. "But what happened to Heeseung?" He asked just above a whisper, glancing around to see if anyone had heard him.

"Well..." Eunju paused, attempting to think of an explanation. "I guess me and Sunghoon just got close and we decided to give it a go."

"This is bizarre." Kyungmi scoffed. "This is bullshit. There's no way you've moved on from Heeseung that fast."

"Things just change." Eunju shrugged, beginning to panic as she was now running out of excuses. "Now, can we go and sit over there? I think they're getting sick of waiting."

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