{ chapter one : the bus ride begins... }

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TWS in this chapter : swearing

Wilbur and Quackity hated each other. No, despised. They couldn't stand one another. Which was extremely difficult considering the pair were actually in the same friend group. How, you may ask? Well, to put it simply, when Quackity joined that school at the start of 9th grade, (It began in 8th and went up to 12th), the whole group was oddly friendly, something he'd never experienced before. All, except Wilbur. He didn't seem to trust the younger. And Quackity never knew why. From there, their rivalry grew, fighting almost every day, to their friends annoyance, and never stopping. It was like — weird, I guess? The two never even tried to become friends, no matter how often the rest tried to convince them otherwise.

Unfortunately for them though, they had a field trip coming up. A trip that would last a week. Now, what's so bad about this, you may ask? Well, Quackity and Wilbur had to be roommates, and sleep in the same bed... Could this get any worse? Actually, yes, it can.

Tommy on the other hand, who was a grade below, was also going on this field trip, (which only grades 10 and 11 were invited to). And he had to room with his absolute enemy. I guess him and Wilbur both had the same luck then, huh?

Tommy was roomed with Purpled. I know right?! Ew.

The buses began to arrive, everyone ready with their suitcases outside of the school.

"Bye." Techno grinned, waving at his brothers. "Thank god I get peace and quiet for a month."

"Oh fuck off, Tech." Wilbur shot back as about 5 teachers began to walk out.

"Is that it?" George asked, referring to the strangely small amount of staff attending.

"Oh my god, I'm gonna break so many rules...!" Quackity smirked.

"Okay everyone! Just to let you know, you will have to sit beside your roommates as we don't want to have loads of stress when we get there." one of the teachers explained happily.

Both Quackity and Wilbur groaned in annoyance, "Seriously?!"

"Oh my fucking god I'm gonna hate this trip." Wilbur rolled his eyes.

"Not as much as I will, asshole." Quackity snapped.

"Wanna bet on it?"


"Deal." Wilbur laughed, "I'm not shaking your hand though, I don't wanna get sick."

Quackity scoffed, "Says you!"

"Children, children, no fighting." Karl teased.

Quackity sighed, passing his suitcase to the teachers, who were currently in charge of getting everyone's stuff into the back of the bus.

They got on, Wilbur sitting at the window seat and Quackity sitting in the aisle one. Karl and Sapnap sat in the seats opposite them, while George and Dream sat behind.

"I might die during this trip." Wilbur complained.

"I hope you do." Quackity said, putting his airpods in to listen to his music.

"Fuck you."

"Wil, will you and Q ever get along?" George questioned.

"Nope." Wilbur replied, to which George rolled his eyes.

"You're gonna have to try. You're gonna be sleeping together for a month." Dream winked.

"Ew! Don't say it like that dickhead!"

"Sorry, sorry." he giggled in return, wrapping his arm around George's waist.

"Simps." Wilbur whispered, pulling out his phone to text his little brother Tommy, who happened to be on the bus behind them.

Bro this is gonna be so fucking boring.

He sent.

Agreed. I'm bored already. I have to room with this dickhead, Purpled.

The one that bullies you?

Sorta. It's more his friends than him. But he's still an asshole.

Oh, well, good luck with that then. If he ever bothers you, let me know. Okay?

Mk!! Thanks Wil<3

No problem Toms!


634 words!!

The field trip that changed everything... // a Quackbur & Purpledinnit story!!Where stories live. Discover now