{ chapter two : a trip down memory lane. }

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TW : mentions of a past abusive relationship, swearing

Wilbur pov :

"What's that?" Quackity asked, taking out one airpod and pointing down to Wilbur's guitar case.

"Uhm... my guitar...?" I responded. Did he seriously not know I played the guitar?

"You play the guitar!?" his eyes widened.

"How the fuck did you not know that?" George commented. "He literally always plays it."

"For real." Dream smiled.

"Him and his brothers are like the musician trio or whatever." Sapnap shrugged, playing with Karl's hair, who was sitting against Sap's chest.

"Tommy plays piano and sings, Techno plays violin and Wilbur plays guitar — and also sings." Karl added in.

"You seriously know nothing about each other, do you?" Dream questioned, rolling his eyes.

"I guess not." Quackity said.

"Why would I wanna know anything about this dickhead?" he taunted, looking down at his phone.

"Oh fuck you, asshole. It's not like I wanna know anything about you either."

"You might have to y'know." Karl muttered honestly. "If you're gonna be together for a month you might have to at least talk — once in a while?"

Wilbur scoffed, "As if. I'm just gonna go ice skating or some shit. Anywhere but the dorm room with him."

"Oooh! Ice skating?! We haven't done that in years!" Dream sat up excitedly.

"Hm?" Quackity made a noise of confusion.

"Well, me and Sapnap have known Wilbur's family for years. Like since we were toddlers." Dream began, his gaze moving to Sapnap, as if to offer him to finish.

"Yeah, and me, Dream, Wilbur, Techno and Tommy used to go ice skating in town fairly often, it's kinda become our thing. Once Karl, George, Tubbo and Ranboo joined us it obviously became more fun! So now they join in."

"But George and Karl are shit at ice skating." Dream chuckled.

"Hey!" both Karl and George yelled in unison, "Am not!"

"You are. Tubbo and Ranboo are pretty good though." Sapnap shrugged, laughing.

"Oh! That sounds fun! May I join?" Quackity grinned kindly.

"Obviously! You're apart of our group now, why wouldn't you?" Karl smiled softly. Quackity couldn't lie, this was the first group he'd ever felt apart of, welcomed into. It felt nice, y'know? Well — except for Wilbur of course.

Wilbur huffed, "Does he have to join us?"

"Yes Wilbur." Dream scowled at him.

"This is going to be the worst trip of my life."

"Wilbur, just try and have fun, okay?" Karl sighed, shutting his eyes.


"So, have you guys gone on friend group trips before? Or past field trips?" Quackity wondered.

"Yeah. There's a field trip every year here. And we've had multiple group trips." George smiled at the fond memories, "There's way too many photos around my room cuz of these pricks."

Quackity giggled, "Sounds fun. Tell me about your favourite trip."

"Well, mine is the field trip we went on in the 8th grade. We went to France, got to go to disney and everything! I remember Wilbur and George got lost on that trip. That was funny." Sapnap explained.

The field trip that changed everything... // a Quackbur & Purpledinnit story!!Where stories live. Discover now