Chapter 1 - We're So Starving

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"Come on Ryan, you must of written some stuff since A Fever You Can't Sweat Out." Brendon poked me in the ribs, grinning. That grin. The truth was I had written a song. It was called Northern Downpour. However, I didn't really want to show it to Brendon. Maybe it was little too personal. I sighed and put away my notebook. Most people wouldn't understand why I was so unhappy. Most people would die to have my lifestyle, the great Ryan Ross of Panic! At The Disco. However, I had been a bit depressed recently. I'm in love with him and there's nothing I can do about it. I am in love with Brendon Urie.

While I was distracted, Brendon snatched the book away from me and raced up the stairs. I screamed after him.

"Brendon Urie, I will fucking kill you if you don't give that back right now!" But it was too late, I heard the bathroom door slam and a lock pulled. Urgh, he was going to find out. I sank down against the wall and waited for the worst.

Brendon's POV:

I drew the lock on the bathroom door and opened Ryan's book. He'd obviously written something and I needed to see what it was. There were new lyrics. I read the title at the top of the page. 'Northern Downpour.' The lyrics were good. But I couldn't help feel there was a little more concept behind this song. He wasn't in love with someone was he? No way, Ryan was supposed to be mine! I have been dreaming about making him mine since the first time we met and I couldn't lose him to someone else now, could I?


This school was going to be as bad as the last one, I knew it. Being gay was not something I was really ashamed of but it seemed everyone in this world is just fucking homophobic. I looked at my new timetable and made my way to my first lesson, English. 

I caught a glimpse of him when I first walked into the classroom. He sat in the seat behind me. He was the pure definition of perfect. his eyes, his face, those lips. Urgh, great. I thought at the time. I was crushing on easily the hottest guy in school and I hadn't even been there for more than thirty minutes.

Ryan's POV:

Brendon walked out of the bathroom 5 minutes later. I jumped on top of him and tackled him to the floor but to my suprise, he gave up my notebook easily. Something was wrong. I asked him but he just shook his head and walked to him room. What had I done wrong?

Brendon's POV:

Only when I was in my room I let the tears fall. Sure, you may think I was overeacting but seriously, I hadn't felt this shit for a long time. What ever made me think I had a chance with Ryan. Compared to him I was nothing. Why did he give me so much hope the first time he spoke to me...


I was walking out of the class when I felt a tap on my shoulder and prepared for the worst. But no, it was the cute boy who sat behind me.

"Hey." He grinned. "I'm Ryan, you're new here right?" I nodded.

"I'm Brendon."

"Well Brendon, what lesson do you have next?" He asked. That smile of his distracted me for a second before I looked down to the sheet that was in my hand.

"Science in G3." I replied. 

"Same!" Ryan exclaimed before taking my arm and leading me to the room. His touch was heavenly. I hoped that one day we could take it further.

But know I knew it wasn't going to happen.

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