Chapter 2 - Nine In The Afternoon

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Ryan's POV:

After reading my lyric book Brendon stormed off to his room and slammed the door behind him. However, he didn't look angry exactly. More sad and maybe slightly dissapointed. Was it the lyrics? I didn't think they were that bad! Maybe they were, I really wasn't sure. But I knew I wouldn't sit outside his door all day, I needed to find out what was wrong. I got up from the floor and slowly opened the door. Brendon was curled up in a ball under the covers. Adorable. I was'nt here to admire Brendon's cuteness though. I edged towards the bundle of fabric and sat next to it on the bed. 

"Go away." Brendon moaned. 

"What did I do?" I asked the duvet. "Were my lyrics that bad?"

"No way, they were good but-" He sniffed. "Who were they for?" What was this about. Oh, I get it. He didn't like me.

I felt like crying.

"They were about. Oh don't worry." I tried to hold back my tears, failing in the process. Brendon heard.

"Tell m- wait, are you crying?" He said, confused. I didn't answer and ran to my room. This time it was me rolled up in exsessive amounts of blankets.

Brendon's POV:

Ryan had started crying and walked out of the room. I had no idea why. I was meant to be the one who was upset and shit, not the other way around. I dicided that it didn't really matter and that I had to go comfort him. He was my best mate after all. I walked up to his bedroom door and slowly opened it. Ryan was in the same position as I had been all way and was crying his fucking heart out. I went over and sat on his bed just like he had when I was like this earlier.

"Leave me alone." He sobbed. "Wait, why are you here if you hate me?" Ryan asked, confused. 

"Since when have I hated you?" I replied.

"Since I wrote those lyrics." He said through tears. Shit, he really didn't mean to hurt me did he? I kinda overeacted I guess.

"It's okay. You never liked me so I should get over the fact you can love other people." I reasured him. He was still confused.

"But, I don't love anyone else." He stated.

"Then who were the lyrics for." He took a breath.

"Um, you."

I was taken aback. But I mean, how could he love me? This was crazy! He buried his head back under the covers to cry some more. I moved closer to him and snaked an arm around his torso and whispered in his ear.

"Well, that's convineint because I think I like you too." He looked up at me, a suprised look on his face.

"You mean that?" He asked.

"George Ryan Ross I love you too fucking much." I said before leaning in...

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