Chapter 3 - She's A Handsome Woman

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Brendon's POV:

The kiss was beautiful. Simple but beautiful. I couldn't describe it, only as perfect. But then I pulled away. I had taken this a bit too fast. Or had I? I needed advice. 

"I'm sorry Ryan, I need some time to think." I said before reaching for my glasses and coat, then heading out into the cold to the person I knew would help me in this situation; Spencer. I had to knock a few times before he came and answered the door.

"What do you want- oh hey Brendon!" Spencer grinned at me after realising who it was. We've been friend's for ages now, he should be able to recognise me god damn it!

"Hey Spence." I smiled back weekly. It had been a long day and I was too fucking confused. He gestured for me to come in and we went to his bedroom. No, not to do dirty things! The wifi is in there though so we always go in there to get the best signal. We waded through the piles of clothes and crap before reaching Spencer's small sofa and taking a seat.

"Spence, I need your advice." I told him. He nodded and awaited for me to spill. I retold everything that had happened and waited for his responce. Instead of looking confused like I was and how I expected him to act, he jumped up in the air and cheered.

"What the fuck!" I laughed.

"I knew you two were in love!" He replied. I felt myself turning a shade darker than usual. 

"Since when?" I asked.

"Since forever!" He exclaimed. Crazy Spence. 

"Well, what should I do now?" I questioned.

"It's obvious, go back and fuck!" Spencer squealed. 

I was on the way back to our flat. I was going to use Spencer's advice - no, not about fucking - but about confessing properly. I walked into the flat and found Ryan sitting in his bed doing nothing. Had he sat there all this time? Anyway, I went up to him and began to talk.

"I'm sorry for the kiss Ryan. It's just I can't contain my feelings for you. Remember the first day we met?  Well, I had a crush on you the first time I saw you. I just love you too much Ryan." He got up from his bed and hugged me.

"I've felt like that ever since we met too Brenny." Cute nickname C: "I'm just too awkward and could never confess to you." I stroked his hair. 

"It's okay now tho Ryro, you just told me." 


Ryan's POV:

Just a few hours ago, the guy of my dreams had confessed his love to me! Right at that moment me and Brendon were cuddled up next to each other on the sofa. He was sleeping and was too damn cute! The film we were watching (The Nightmare Before Christmas) had just finished and I nudged Brendon.

"Brennie, It's 3am, should we sleep now?" He nodded his head so I kissed him goodnight and made my way to my room.

"Ryro, where have you gone?" Brendon called. He walked into my room where I was undressing. 

"I don't wanna walk back to my room." Brendon looked at me with puppy eyes. I sighed. 

"Fine, you can sleep in here with me." His eyes lit up and he jumped into the other side of my bed. As I hopped into the other side Brendon snaked his arms around my torso and pulled me closer. 

"I love you Ryro." He whispered into my ear as I fell asleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2013 ⏰

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