The Night Rider I

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- Just pretend that it's legal to ride a motorbike without a helmet, because I was too lazy to write that dialogue and also just can't imagine people wearing helmets while riding a motorbike.
- I don't know whether or not it is actually legal for two people to ride on one motorbike, so you can ALSO pretend that is allowed for plot purposes XD
- I'm not sure about Korea's college years, so in this story, school ends in June and summer break is in July and August.
- This story has an unexpected ending, so keep that in mind just in case you're expecting everything you're going into


     "Kid, whose bike is that?"

     Jeongin, resting on the alleged bike at the corner of a gas station, was way too tired to put up with random small talk like this at six in the morning. Especially coming from a curly-haired older boy who was training his eyes on him like he expected Jeongin to be hiding a gun or any other lethal weapon on him. A bold assumption from someone decked in full black.

     "It's... mine," Jeongin said blandly, in no mood to be polite.

     Old Boy (Jeongin was also in no mood to establish a nicer-sounding nickname) raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh, really? Do you have a license for that?"

     "Depends. Are you a cop? Cause if not, kindly mind your own business and leave me alone."

     For those few seconds of awkward silence, Jeongin was terrified that he had proven himself to be the world's greatest screw-up. Old Boy may not be a police officer, but he could still put Jeongin into deep trouble.

     Not like Jeongin was jumping at the chance to apologize. He still had his pride.

      Thankfully, Old Boy only chuckled. But that seemed to get on Jeongin's nerves even more. Everything was bothering him at this time of the day. "You're really not helping your case here, kid. If that bike isn't stolen, you just have to say so. 

     "I have a license. Leave me alone." Jeongin decided to quit fighting this battle, pulling out his wallet and putting the card up only inches away from Old Boy's face. "Can you see this clearly? Or do I have to display it on that billboard over there for you to get a clear view?"

     "Okay, okay, geez." Old Boy backed away, his arms up in mock surrender. "I believe you."

     "Wow, that means a lot," Jeongin deadpanned. "Now can you go away? I'm too tired for this."

     Old Boy sighed. "Okay, fine, sorry for that interrogation. You're just... around the age of my younger brother and if there's anyone who fits the 'juvenile' label, it's him. So seeing you with that motorbike got me kind of paranoid."

     "Sorry about your sibling problems, but not all adolescent college kids are like that. I can ride this bike perfectly fine." The question of whether or not Jeongin would was completely different, but he wasn't about to give Old Boy another reason to call 119 on him.

     Old Boy's eyes fell on Jeongin's bag. His eyes widened. "I used to go there!"

     "Huh?" Jeongin looked at his bag and realized it was the one he bought at his college's merchandise shop. The title was in big, bold letters. "Oh, really?"

     "Yeah, I studied engineering there until I got a better offer for my third year. So I transferred. I just graduated."

     Getting to transfer to a top college mid-college? Old Boy was definitely a genius.

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