Chapter 7: Soulmates forever~

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During that week, Elijah and Henry's friendship was stronger. Henry helped Elijah out on his homework, Henry took Elijah to uni, they played games with each other, they chatted about their lives, and much more, while Henry was still giving service to the king and queen, and Elijah was having his horrible life routine. 

The king and queen didn't really notice since they didn't care for Elijah, which Elijah knew as per usual, and didn't care for Henry except his services, which Henry did not know as per usual. Elijah and Henry also still felt that weird feeling, but they were still not sure what it was. 

On Saturday 4th May 2669 at 8:45am, after Elijah had breakfast, got dressed, put on more liquids on his clothes and body, put on some new bandages and more, and Henry had breakfast, got dressed in his usual clothes, did dishes, and more, Elijah decided to go out for a big walk outside the gates of Lawrind Palace. Elijah headed off to his parents to let them know. "Hey mother and father. Is it okay if I go for a walk?". Both his mother and father replied "Don't care fucker!". 

After that, Elijah headed to Henry who was in his bedroom and was reading another book as per usual. Elijah said to Henry "H-hey Henry! I am going to go for a walk outside the gates of Lawrind Palace.". Henry replied "That is all good! I will make some cookies while y-you are gone, have fun!". Elijah got himself ready and headed off from the entrance of the palace onto the royal palace grounds and out of the gate of Lawrind Palace to go for his walk.

Elijah walked around different blocks near Lawrind Palace by himself, he looked at all the trees, grass, and much more, he saw that it was starting to get quite cloudy like it was going to rain soon, but he knew he was going to be home before that. He kept on going, looking at parks, different schools, large buildings, and much more. 

Then, he reached some alleyways that were closed, covered and was too deep for anyone to hear, and walked through some of it, and decided to go back home since he had enough and he knew it was about to rain soon. Then, all of a sudden, he heard some familiar voices in the alleyway. 

He stopped to look around, and realised in shock, it was some of his bullies from his school. He looked in shock, and thought "No! I don't want to be bullied right now, and I don't have my materials with me to hide my bruises since I thought I wouldn't get hurt! My parents will find out I didn't cover it, and worse, Henry might find out!". He tried to scream and run away, but since it was so deep, no one heard it, and he didn't get far. 

The bullies beat him up and gave him many bad methods, worse than usual, so bad that he was unconscious at 9am. He woke up later at 9:15am because of the rain pouring down onto him. All the bandages were torn, the liquids were washed off on his clothing and body, he could barely speak, he was limping a lot, and he was bleeding a lot. 

His bullies were long gone in the alleyway, and he thought that no one would be outside because of the rain, so he hurried as quick as he could, out of the alleyway, past all the trees, schools, buildings and more to get back to Lawrind Palace, meanwhile during that timing, Henry made some cookies and put it out after it was baked to cool, found out that the king and queen was going to sleep for the day since of important things they had in the last few days that made them really tired, and it was going to rain for the day since it hadn't been raining for a while, so he would have time to chat to Elijah when he came home.

Elijah came into the gates of Lawrind Palace, went across the royal grounds, and went into the entrance of Lawrind Palace. Henry heard Elijah come into the entrance, so he left the cookies to cool a little bit more and went to say hi. 

Elijah was ready to start going up the stairs as quickly as he could to his bedroom and bathroom to fix himself up, but Henry came over before Elijah could make a move. Henry said with a cheerful smile with his eyes closed "Hey Elijah! Did you enjoy your w-walk? I made cookies, so do you want to eat them while it's still warm?". Elijah couldn't say anything since he was scared and too injured from the fight. 

Henry started to open his eyes in confusion, saying "Are you...oh my-...", in confusion and into shock as he noticed what happened to Elijah. Elijah wanted to speak, but no words came out because of his injuries. Henry was lost of words out of shock. Henry checked his surroundings, but since Elijah's parents were sleeping for the entire day and the rain was going for the entire day as well, it was just the two of them. 

Then, Henry said slowly, almost in a whisper " much does it hurt?". Elijah said, trying his hardest to reply "A...a lot..". Henry nodded, and said "Stay right there!". He grabbed some pillows and some duct tape, and tied it around himself. Elijah looked in confusion, wondering what he was doing. Henry slowly came over to Elijah, and slowly scooped him into his arms using the pillows and duct tape so he wouldn't harm him. 

Elijah's face started to burn red, and his heart started to beat really fast when he realised what was happening, but still couldn't say anything. Henry's face started to burn red and his heart started to beat really fast too when he realised what he was doing, and started to carefully carry Elijah to and up the stairs, and carefully passed the king and queen's room and into Henry's room, and slowly put Elijah down on his bed.

After that, Henry asked as he took the cushions and duct tape off him "Do.. you have any bandages or something...that you use to cover all this up?". Elijah nodded slowly, and said "Y-yeah....some liquid for clothing and body...and bandages in my bathroom.". 

Henry nodded, and headed off to Elijah's bedroom and bathroom, fetched his stuff and came back again. He started slowly wiping the blood off Elijah's body and wiped his clothing and crown as well, then he put some liquids on his body and clothing, then took off the old bandages and put some new bandages on his body carefully, he headed off to the kitchen, made a warm honey drink, came back to his bedroom, and gave him it to soothe his voice. 

Elijah replied "T-thank you...". Henry nodded, and said "No problem! B-but, I need to know what happened, so I can help you out.". Elijah didn't want to say it at first, but he knew it was best to say it anyway since he trusted him, so he told him everything that he didn't know, like the beatings, wanting to break his parents' rules, and more. After he was done, Henry said "Oh...". Elijah nodded, and said "D-do you believe what they say?". 

Henry shook his head immediately, and said "Of course not! I was only shocked and surprised because you look so injured and scared, not because of your looks or how dirty you look, because I think you look great no matter what!". Elijah looked in surprise, saying "Really?! You're the first person to ever say that to me...". 

Elijah felt his face burning up more and more than usual. He suddenly thought "Wait a minute! Have I, actually fallen for Henry?! It feels like I am, which is good, because I can finally break my parents' rules!". Henry also thought "Wait a minute! Have I, actually fallen for Elijah?! It feels like I am, which is good, because I can help him break his parents' rules!".

They both wanted to kiss each other very badly. They went closer and closer to each other, and then their lips finally connected. Both of their lips were really soft and too nice for both of them. After they broke the kiss, they stared into each other's eyes, and Elijah said "We should make sure to keep this all a secret from my parents.". Henry nodded, and said "Good idea! Let's go and eat some cookies from the kitchen!", as Henry held Elijah's hand, which both their hands felt super soft, and then Henry picked Elijah up into his arms again, and walked off with him to the kitchen to eat some cookies, which were chocolate chip and tasted really scrumptious.

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