Heya, Ari here. I'm going for third-person and some first-person elements for this story. Another thing is Jake was never an ass behind the club's back (JKJK I LOVE JAKE). So here he goes to rehearsals like normal. That's all, thanks!

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Third person POV

Jake walks down the halls and lifts his wrist to check the time.


Oh, thank god! I've got time. But I better be quick! God, Hailey's gonna kill me! He thinks to himself as he starts walking faster towards the club room. By the time he's there, it's exactly 12:30.
"Congratulations, Jake. You finally made it on time like always." Hailey says sarcastically to him as she's leaning on the table.
"Looks like someone couldn't go any longer without my charms around," Jake replies and is about to add something before getting cut off by Sean.
"Hailey, can you help me make sure we've got everything ready for the competition? I think I'm missing something."
"Sure thing," She walks up to Sean and leans on the wall while checking the files.
Milly smirks at Jake, as she is sitting on a table. "So, ya like Hailey?"
"What? No, I-" Jake exclaims before Zander cuts him off.
"Don't be ridiculous, there's no way he likes Hailey. He better not be going anywhere near my sister." Zander crosses his arms. Luke takes Zander's hand.
"Honey, Hailey can do whatever she wants. You don't need to watch her every move, you know?" Luke says in the most gentle voice possible with a smile.
"No love, she can date anyone but that prick." He pulls his hand away and crosses his arms, blushing slightly.
"Oh shut up, will you? I swear to god, you two never stop flirting!" Milly rolls her eyes.
Zander blushes then punches her arm lightly. "I- We weren't flirting, bastard!"
Luke laughs, watching Zander and Milly fight.
"Okay, I think that's all the files ready." Hailey smiles and places her hands on her hips.
"Oh, sick! We're ready, yeah?" Milly asked.
"Knowing Hailey, there's a lot more we're gonna need to get through." Luke chuckled to himself.
"Awh man, I'm drained!" Milly complained.
"Calm down, Milly. Hailey's the club president." Sean told Milly.
"Hailey's always worried! It's gonna be fine, no need to worry so much, princess." Jake grins at Hailey.
"I'm not always worried. And, don't call me that!" Hailey sighs before continuing. "I just need to make sure everything goes perfectly. Plus, I've spent this whole lunch checking the files, which is good. But we're gonna need to actually practise tomorrow."
"Yes ma'am!" Milly gets off the table she was sitting on.
"See ya!" Jake waves before leaving the room. He spots Drew on his phone beside a locker and walks up to him.


"Hey Jake," He grabs his Science book from his locker.
"Hey Drew, where are Liam and Henry?" Jake questions.
"Liam was here just now but Miss Jones needed help with something. And I don't really know where Henry is, probably following Liam around." Drew shrugs. "Anyway, what's next lesson? Science, right?"
"Yep. The teacher annoys me. I don't know her name, do you?" Jake asks and Drew shakes his head.
"I think I'll skip- Hey Jake, look who's over there, your precious Daisy!" Drew laughs, pointing at Daisy.
"Shut it, you! And put your arm down before she sees you pointing, maniac!" Jake blushes forcefully pulling Drews arm down.
"And when are you gonna confess to little miss perfect, hm?" Drew grins.
"I'll ask her out after the competition." Jake sighs.
"If you say so. Well, I'm skipping. You coming with me?" Drew asks, putting his book back into the locker and closing it.
"I don't know.. You know what, fine. But I've never really done it before.. Are Liam and Henry coming with us?"
"Nope. Come on, we're gonna need to hide somewhere," Drew starts walking checking if there are any empty classrooms. Jake follows him without question. Drew peeks his head into a classroom. "Ah, here." Drew smiles and walks in.
"Drew, you sure this is okay?" Jake asks walking in after Drew.
"Don't worry. We'll be fine." Drew sighs and sits against the wall.
"What exactly are we meant to do here?" Jake sits down beside drew waiting for an answer, but he doesn't get one. "So, how's Zoey?"
"She's fine, she just doesn't talk to me much. I don't know what she's always so busy with.." Drew sighs taking his earbuds off to hear Jake better.
"Hey Drew, can I tell you something?" Jake asks. Agh, Zoey's gonna kill me.. he thinks to himself. Drew nods, signalling for Jake to continue. "Well, I saw Zoey out with a guy at the mall the other weekend, I've been meaning to tell you."
"Of course! I'm not even surprised. She only ever talks to me when my money is mentioned." Drew closes his eyes.
"Can you not tell her I told you?" Jake asks hopefully.
"Sure," Drew opens his eyes and smiles, for once.
"Thanks, Drew." Jake smiles back.
"I'll talk to her. I probably should've ages ago." Drew stops smiling.
"Tell me what happens?"
"I will." Jake and Drew sit there quietly for a few more minutes before hearing the bell ring.
"Math." Drew says and gets up holding his hand out for Jake.
"I'm fine," Jake gets up on his own, rejecting Drews offer. Drew sighs and then puts his hands into his pockets, walking out the door. Jake following after him.

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