Capther One - The Party

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Hi guys! Just leaving this note to wish you good reading and let you know that I'm from Naples in Italy, so if I make some mistake during the story, sorry. You can always let me know my mistake and write them in the comment with some hint to improve the story.
Saying this, I wish you good reading again and I really hope you enjoy the story. <3

"You made a mess" I say, my fingers thought my hair for the stress

"I know I messed up Miss. y/l/n, but please i need you, i thought you were the best in this sector and-" i cut him off before he can say any other words.
"I'm the best, Richard" my tone was firm and cool and my gaze went from the pages of case information and papers completely covered in notes to his dark brown eyes.

"Then prove it" He says

was he seriously challenging me?

"it's not my fault if you made this case impossible to win" my tone of voice became more loud at every word. he was looking down at himself, knowing that the possibility of losing the case was 100%.

"But" i broke the silence, and his eyes were looked in mine now. "There is a possibility" these words were enough to bring a smile on his face and make his eyes shining. In the middle of conversation my phone rings and show the name of my best friend on the screen. Richard decided to leave since it was getting late and i answered the phone.

"Hey Flo" before she could speak i started hearing the loud music in the background.
"Y/N where are you?" Oh fuck, the party, It was today, i completely forgot.
"I-um, I am at work, actually" i can already feel her anger through the phone.
"Oh my god Y/N, you forgot it? again?" she let out a sigh. "Listen i'm on speaker, there's someone i want to introduce you to" then i listen Flo talking to someone, at first i did't recognized the voice, but after thinking about it for a few second i understood, it's Hailee fucking Steinfeld.

"Hii y/n" i was speechless, after a few second only listening to the sound of the music Flo speak. "Y/n are you still here? Come on come to the party, i want to introduce you in person, not trough the phone" her voice was annoyed.
"I-I have some stuff to do with work Flo, I'm so sorry that i can't come, but this case it's driving me crazy" something tells me she won't let me go so easily.

"Y/n, i don't care" oh my god i hate her when she do this. "You work too much, you have to have fun and go out. Now get your pretty ass here and let yourself relax for at least one night" i let out a sigh, i have really a lot of stuff to do, i can't.

"But Flo i-" she cut me off before i can say any other words. "No y/n, you will come to the party, and also pretty fast, everyone is waiting for you, see you in 10 minutes" why is she so stubborn. "I-" the line goes dead immediately, i guess at this point I have no choice but to go to the party.

Luckily it wasn't a fancy party, just with some friends, so the clothes I wore for work will be fine.

Flo's house is quite close so it took me 10 minutes by car and I arrived. I arrived at the door and rang the bell. I honestly just hope that no one have hear the bell so i can going back at my house and study for the case.

I was about to turn around and walk back to my car when i hear the door open revealing my best friend, Florence Pugh.

"Y/N!!" she literally jump on me and place her hand behind my neck wrapping me in a hug.
"Hey Flo, it's good to see you too" after my words she turn around and yell everyone that I'm here. Everyone come closer to me and pull me into a hug.

"Mate it's so good to see you" Tom wrap his arm around my hips. "Hey Tommy" tom pulls away from me and I hug Lizzie, Scarlett and the rest of the group.

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