My alarm goes off in the morning. Shit I'm late.
I get up and scramble about. I quickly shove my shirt on and tie my tie really messy along my neck.
I shove my hair in the low ponytail and I don't even bother to put the claw clip in today.
I really quickly put some mascara on my eyelashes, grab my bag and leave.
I basically sprint to school.
Even though I hardly go to any classes, I hate being late. It's so horrible you walk into a room full of people and they all just stare at you. It's so nerve racking.
I speed walk through the corridors and quickly check my phone to see the time.
I look up and before I can do anything about it I bump into this guy and fall straight to the floor.
"Woah, watch where your going" The boy says laughing.
He helps me up and I quickly thank him and I try sprint away but he grabs my backpack.
"Hey, what are you doing!" I yell "I have a class to be at you know?"
He pulls me back infront of him and he smiles at me but not in the nice way. It's like a 'I'm better than everyone' kinda smile.
I'm confused.
As he's looking at me I have time to scan him. He was gorgeous. He was tall with natural blonde fluffy hair, he had a nice sharp jawline and my god his eyes.
They just have this look to them. A beautiful look. I've been looking at him for too long. As I'm looking him up and down picking out the details I realise his face turn into a serious expression.
"Where are you off too?" he says crossing his arms.
Now I'm super confused.
"Class?" What does he mean 'Where are you off too?' what is he a teacher? He sure as hell doesn't look old enough to be a teacher.
"I'm just messing with you" He laughs "You looked so scared. That was so priceless" At this point he's full on laughing.
His laughs cute. It's not like a 'regular' laugh but I think that's what makes it even cuter.
I just start giggling not because what he did was funny but because of his laugh "You dickhead" Im still giggling and he's still laughing his head off. It wasn't that funny but who cares.
Next thing I know he just clicks back to normal. No laughing. Nothing. He's just goes back to normal conversation.
I check the time on my phone. Shit. It's been 20 minutes since first period started. I can't go to class now.
"I have some cigarettes in my pocket, you smoke?" I've never smoked in my life but this is the first guy in a while that's willing to talk to me and he's mega cute so I may as well.
"Oh yeah sure!" I try sound as convincing as I can.
We sneak outside the gates in hope no teachers saw us. We just keep talking it's like I trust him so much already. I feel like I've knew him for years!
We go and sit in these bushes that are quite close to the school. No one can see us but we can still hear the music departments drum kit so we aren't that far.
He hands me a cigarette out of the packet and grabs himself one. He gets a lighter out his pocket and lights them both.I've never been a smoker or a vaper. Ruby vapes but I've never wanted to try it. That stuff ruins your brain.
I take my first puff and try my hardest not to cough my lungs out. I think he notices me holding it in.
"You good?" He looks so concerned but in a caring way you know?
After I manage to swallow down my cough I manage to mutter out a "Yeah, Im good".
"You don't smoke do you" He smirks.
I start coughing as I knew he's caught me out at this part. It felt like I was coughing forever.
"How'd you tell?" I smirk.
We both laugh and we ended up sitting there for a while.
I don't realise the time till I hear the break bell ring.
"Shit it's break?" I say as I jump up to check my phone.
"No way, I swear it hasn't even been that long" I can tell he was lying he definitely knew the time but any man that wants to sit and talk to me non-stop for hours.
I'll take it.