The Secret To The Tapestry

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Percy reappeared into Olympus in an apparition of mist that left behind a faint odour of seawater to a familiar scene. The Gods as always were in disarray, arguing over Percy himself.

The flame of the Hearth was larger than normal as Hestia attempted to bring calm to her family, yet her attempts were futile in the face of Poseidon's anger.

Even from thousands of feet above Gaea, Percy could feel the seastorms and whirlpools raveging both cities and sailors. Earthquakes disrupted the day to day of unsuspecting mortals, killing dozens by the hour.

These abnormal weather reports were not alone however, as the Sun shone unforgivingly upon the mortal realm, no doubt mutating cells cancerously left and right. A new plague had been introduced, thankfully small.

Luckily, Demeter was not as emotional and let logic overcome her. Yet, the lessened crops that were harvested, showed she was still affected.

The council grew silent at Percy's arrival as no one made to move. The room was filled with statues that were broken by Poseidon moving from his throne to his son slowly.

"Percy?" he enquired disbelievingly. He felt bad observing the grey hairs on his Father's head. It was not often that Poseidon's form looked this old, yet it always made Percy ready to reach for his sword.

The tense moment was broken by Percy reaching forward to grab his Father in a hug so tight that the God of the Sea was momentarily thrown off kilter but responded enthusiastically.

"Dad, I am alright," Percy began preparing himself as he broke the hug and turned to the council, "My apologies but a discussion was needed between myself and Nyx regarding my Domain of the Water."

"A discussion lasting a week?" Apollo asked in confusion.

Yet Percy only responded, "It appears that I am growing into Godhood well if I am losing track of time. Is it not? I was aware there were concerns that I may have ascended with my mortal mindset. Well, let this calm your mind." Percy reasoned.

Continuing he requested, "Now, if that is all, I must take your leave. Exhaustion has become me from such a strenuous discussion"

Zeus scrutinized his nephew for a moment before accepting, "Rest, Perseus. Only further hardships await you as we shall reap the benefits of your Domain of Oaths soon. Apollo, return with him and show him to his newly built palace."

Apollo nodded his acceptance, teleporting them to a grandiose structure reminiscent of the ancient world. It was beautiful in white with blue and green accents.

Walking forward with Apollo behind him, he approached the door which displayed many of his adventures. It was a glimmering gold that accented the marble. Pushing open the door, it led to an empty hallway filled with dozens of doors on either side and a drawing room at the end.

The hallway was lined with half pillars on which statues were displayed of different moments in history. He supposed that his Father and Apollo did not hesitate to donate based on the vast range of statues that appeared to be created by mortal hands.

The paintings however had to be a mix of gifts from Demeter and Dionysus, they were beautiful depictions of cottages and forests alongside moments from celebrations of long gone.

Allowing Apollo to lead him into the master bedroom, he only took a brief moment to appreciate the calming sound of flowing water before he pulled Apollo to the bed.

"Stay," he commanded, "I will shower and we shall continue where we left off." He quickly took a shower and clothed himself before returning to Apollo sitting upon the bed.

Pushing the Sun God down onto the silk blankets that had sank in the shape of Apollo, he straddled the other's lap and began nosing the warm neck. A hand encased the back of his neck pulling him onto the other until their bodies were linked together millimetres apart due to the fabric of their clothes.

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