Chapter 3

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Two Weeks Later

It was now Thanksgiving break, meaning that Blackwood's Community College was closed for a week or two. It also meant that it was time for Evan's party at the local nightclub.


It was the night of Evan's party and everyone was either on their way or was already there. Well mostly everyone, the ones who weren't were the Johnson siblings (Kyle and Maxis) and also Shannon.

At the current moment, Kyle was getting ready in his room. He was finishing up with tying his shoes, when he heard the sound of feet shuffling past his open door.

"What're you doing?"

Kyle looked up and saw that his sister, Maxis, was standing at his doorway and peaking inside his room.

"Getting ready for Evan's party." Kyle responded while going back to tying his shoes.

"Oh." Maxis said, "you're going to that?" She asked, raising her brow and watching him nod, "are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Why wouldn't it be?" Kyle asked, looking towards Maxis after he finished tying his shoes.

"Well, I just figured with what happened the last time someone threw a party..." Maxis began to explain.

"You're still going on about that?" Kyle asked, knowing exactly what she was talking about.

Maxis nodded, "of course I am, especially since we were all attacked..."

Kyle sighed, "Look, I understand you're probably nervous about a big party, especially after what happened at Marcel's place over the summer and then what happened to the Davis' over Halloween, but think about it this way..." He began to explain, "Evan's party is not at a house, it's at a public lot, and there's lots of people, so someone would have to be pretty stupid to even try anything like that..."

Maxis sighed, seemingly realizing that she wasn't going to be able to change her brother's mind on going to the party. However, she also realized that he was right, in regards to the party taking place at a public place.

"Okay, I'm going too." Maxis said, already beginning to head to her room to get dressed.

Once Maxis was ready, both her and her brother, left their house and got into Kyle's Toyota 4Runner, and headed off towards the party, but not before picking Shannon up on their to the club.


The 4runner would be parked in the parking lot, outside of the club. As the trio got out of the suv, they finally realized just how packed it was, especially after seeing the line forming outside the door.

"I wasn't expecting that large of a crowd to be here." Shannon said looking up at Kyle and then towards Maxis.

"Me either, but you know Evan, he's a bit popular since he's on Blackwood's hockey team." Kyle said with a soft chuckle.

After waiting in the line for a bit, they had finally gotten to the door in the bouncer. The bouncer had been hired due to the fact that Evan's party had alcohol being served. Once the bouncer checked their IDs they had been let in.

Upon stepping inside, the trio was greeted by the sound of loud music and people talking. To say that the club was packed was an understatement. Either way, the party seemed lively, which was a good sign.

Not too long after the trio decided to split up with Kyle and Shannon going towards the dance floor, while Maxis would go to the bar and get a drink.


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