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Why? Why do I have to become rogue? From the entire pack they chose me. They sacrifice me, from all the gorgeous she-wolves, it's me. They give me away to keep their "peace" which was and will never really be there. After the rogue declaration, I'm escorted to a black suv with two men on either side of me nearly dragging me as I feel weak from the declaration and the other two walk in front of us. They place me inside the suv and I look out the window to see my weeping mother, my brothers just watching and one lone tear rolling down my sister's cheek. I'll miss them all, the entire pack, my family; but not my father I will never forgive him for what he did. He took away my right to be Alpha, although only my mother knows that, he ruined my life. Now I have to live the life of a nobody, of a she-wolf that was not "wanted". I overheard these men talking with father earlier today and I'm being taken to San Antonio, Texas. From Louisiana to San Antonio, about 6 hours. As we drive away tears escape my eyes and I shut them praying two things to the moon goddess. One, to take care of my pack, my family. Two, that I don't suffer the fate of many, dying. 
I wake to the warmth of the sun hitting my face, not really remembering when I fell asleep. I lift my hands to rub my face and realize I'm tied up. I shake it off and I look around to see where we are and I notice that we are stopped at a seemingly new gas station. Only one rogue sits on the right side of me. "Good morning, would you like to go to the bathroom princesa?" he said with a smirk. He has tan skin, dark brown hair, not exaggeratedly muscular and light green eyes; he is honestly very attractive. "Yes, and drop the nickname unless you want one of your own; and trust me , you won't like it." I snapped back. His smirk only grew wider as he reached over and untied me. He told the others and we made our way into the gas station store and one thing stood out the most, humans. They hate us, well most of them at least. Once we walked in, all eyes were on us. I have light tan skin, auburn straight hair reaching my knees, also being taller than the majority of she-wolves at 5' 7" and forest green eyes. With just one glance at our eyes they know we are not one of them because our eyes are more exotic looking. I lifted my head high to show my dominance and they looked away. Even humans can feel the dominance of wolves with the energy we give off. I did my business and I stood in front of the mirror. I stared at my reflection wondering when the moon goddess chose to punish me this way and tears silently slid down my face. A loud bang sounded at the door as I wiped away the tears. We went back to the SUV silently. Once inside green eyes, (let's just call him that for now) got the ropes. "You don't have to tie me, I won't do anything stupid." I said while rolling my eyes. "We only follow orders, Miss Benitez." The driver said. To which I rolled my eyes, "How much longer until we reach our destination?" I ask. They all stayed silent and looked at green eyes. He nods. "A little over 3 hours. The driver says. "Ughhh" is all I say as I throw my head back letting sleep consume me once again.

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