Damien - Christian (1)

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TW: underage drinking/age gap

Damien was drunk- wasted actually. he could barely stand, his vision was blurry, he felt like he needed to throw up and alongside all that a migraine had started to form in his templates. Those were only a few of the reasons which led him to his current position of sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands sulking like some loser while everyone else at the house party socialized and drank like there was no tomorrow.
He wanted to go home..
And by home he meant his friend's -whose apartment he's been staying at for the past few weeks since he was kicked out of his house by his father- but unfortunately, his friend was a huge asshole who completely ditched him at this party to take home some random girl. He hadn't even told Damien! He had to learn from someone else that he had been left behind..
The more he thought about his current situation the more panicked and nervous he began to feel and the more he felt his chest tighten with anxiety.
"Fuck, stupid.." he choked out under his breath, lightly slapping himself upside the head with his palm to try to get himself to think.
What was he supposed to do? He didn't know anyone here, they were all older kids and couldn't even ask for a ride home because he didn't know where the hell he was and-

"Hey, kid." A voice called, causing Damien to jolt upwards and look up at the stranger with teary eyes.
Damien gulped, rubbing his eyes quickly and looking down in Shame.
Jesus- hadn't even realized he had begun to cry.
"What's wrong?" The stranger asked, kneeling down beside Damien and giving him a curious look. "You don't look so good, how much did you drink?"

"Uhm.." Damien sniffled, rubbing his nose with his sleeve and blinking up at the stranger- who his brain slowly registered as the man who owned this house.
Christian was his name, wasn't it? He usually held parties for older people, eighteen plus type partys. Yknow?
The one reason Damien, a fifteen year old, was allowed inside was because his 'friend' dragged him in and nobody had really questioned anything. They were probably too drunk or high to care.
"I dunno." Damien finally answered, his words slurred from all the drinking. "A few.."

"A few?" Christian asked with a laugh, eyeing Damien for a moment before speaking again "Who'd you come here with? You should probably get home."

Damien shrunk in on himself slightly, giving his head a shake "m'cant," he muttered sluggishly, gaze now focused on the ground as he spoke - feeling ashamed for how childish and stupid he was acting around someone so old and mature "he left me," his voice cracked slightly as he spoke "and.. and I dunno how to get back.."
he was lost, and alone, he didn't know where he was or anywhere here and he just wanted to go home. And no, not to his friends lame as apartment. That was NOT home. He meant his real home, with his Dad and brother and step mom..
can you really blame him? He's just a kid- a dumb drunk little kid.. He shouldn't be out here all alone! he should be safe at home and he should be there to protect his little brother.. but no- instead, Damien was an idiot, got himself kicked out over something stupid and-

"Are you crying?"

Damien blinked dumbly, the realization that tears were flooding his eyes and streaming down his cheeks only now hitting him. "I-" he choked on a small sob, gulping in a breath of air.
"I don' feel good, and I wana go home.." he very softly admitted, searching for Christians gaze for judgement or annoyance. Instead, he was greeted with a sympathetic frown.

"Oh, you sweet baby.." Christian softly spoke, leaning forward and offering his arms out for Damien. "C'mere, do you wanna go lay down? I can take you to my room..?"
Damien stared up at him dumbly, before shakily nodding as he climbed into Christians embrace.
Christan gently rubbed circles onto the boy's back, humming quietly as picked up Damien like a baby and began to carry him upstairs.
Damien leaned against Christians chest, breathing softly as Christian carried him upstairs into his bedroom. within a few moments, they reached christians room- it was fairly big, a tad bit messy but nothing Damien really minded.
"Here you are." Christian said after setting Damien on the bed, watching as Damien curled up in a small ball the moment his body hit the mattress.
"mm, cutie" He purred out, moving onto the bed alongside Damien and lying on his side, staring at the younger man. "I never caught your name?"

"Its.." he yawned tiredly, interrupting his introduction on accident. "I'm Damien.." he finished, tiredly rubbing his puffy eyes.

"Damien? Damien.. so pretty." Christian complimented, "You're gonna sleep here tonight, Dame." he cooed softly, stroking a hand through Damien's messy hair, smiling as the other boys face scrunched up adorably.
"Just stay here with me, okay? My sweet boy." He whispered, receiving a blush and a tiny nod from Damien.
"Good boy" he praised happily, wrapping his arms around Damien's waist and pulling him closer to him. "now sleep Dame." he commanded quietly, moving his hand from Damien's waist to under his shirt and gently caressing his skin. Damien let out a soft whine at the comforting touch, curling up further under into christian nuzzling his face into his chest.
"Your making this so much more difficult for me then you know," Christian mused, pressing a light kiss to Damien's temple as he continued to gently stroke his new friends soft skin until he felt the young boy finally fall asleep in his arms.
He let out a small sigh of disappointment, wishing that these nights events would have gone a little differently- I mean, they still could if he wanted them too.. and he certainly did want them too. And in all honesty, he didn't think Damien would mind too much; the boy obviously liked him! Who could blame him? Everyone liked Cristian. He was perfect. And Damien wasss.. close to perfect. Which was still pretty good! Good enough for Christian at Least.. he had pretty hair, soft eyes, a gentle demeanor - but he was a bit of a cry baby and a light weight. Maybe Christan will have to fix that? Shouldn't be too hard..

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