Chapter 17

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Naru's POV

"Naru! You shouldn't have. It is supposed to be me giving you a gift!" Mai said between excitement and a frown.

I couldn't help but smile at her frown. "I know. But I found my gift and it couldn't wait."

Mai's big eyes stared at me, mouth slightly open, and cheeks slightly pink. After what seemed like an eternity, she finally smiled. "Thank you, Naru." She hugged me and I dared to hug back.

It was moments like this that truly made me happy. Mai's brilliant smile, the pink in her cheeks, and her precious eyes, made my cold heart melt into a warm and merry one.

"How could I have loved a person like you? I really do, but now I see it's only an unrequited feeling. Don't worry, I won't be on your way anymore. After this case ends I'll stop bothering you."

Those words still hurt me, but... 'I really do?' Did she confess to love me?

My heart is beating fast, my eyes widened and my body felt warm and funny.

"Do you love me?" I stuttered.

I made space between us to see her face while she answers me.

"Well, I-" Mai's cheeks flamed up.

Before she could answer me, there was a barely audible cough.


"Lin! Oh, I'm sorry. Naru said I could stay over because of the ghost." Mai looked like a talking tomato.

"Because of the ghost huh?" Lin smirked at me.

"Yes, because of the ghost." I narrowed my eyes at him.

He stared at me for a moment, and I could see a faint smirk forming on his face. "Alright, I'll watch base." With that, he turned around and left the room.

I turned to Mai, as she studied the box with curiosity. She looked at me with big, childlike eyes. "What's in here?"

I smirked. "I guess you'll just have to find out."

I stifled a chuckle as her cheeks turned pink.

She unwrapped the box. Mai touched the lid of the little box, and my heart started to beat faster because I didn't know how she would react.

Knock, knock.

I really wanted to smash the door and the person behind it for interrupting.

Mai's eyes were not concentrated on the box anymore, instead she dropped the box in surprise when the unknown person knocked on the door.

I growled.

Mai's POV

Naru walked towards the door, and with hesitation, opened it to reveal Ichiro.

Said person's eyes looked void of any emotion except hatred.

"Ichiro, it's past 4 am what are you-"

"I should have protected her." Ichiro half said and half whispered again and again.

Naru narrowed his eyes. "I know you're not Ichiro."

As he said this, Ichiro stopped repeating the same sentence and looked at Naru dead in the eye.

"I should have protected her. You won't hurt her anymore."

With that, Ichiro took a knife he was holding behind him and launched at Naru.

Naru quickly dodged it and Ichiro pushed him towards the wall. He launched the knife again only to hit the wall. Naru side-kicked him and tackled him to the floor. He tried to get the knife out of Ichiro's hand, but his grip was strong.

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