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Max was no means perfect he was 19 when he had his first son 


Philip was born from an arrange marriage his Fathers parents set up, Philip grow up with a lot of eyes on him, which in turn made him a man whose cautious yet charming. Philip often watches from a distance rather than actively taking part in things. Despite his hesitant nature and sometimes pompous attitude, Philip is fiercely protective and a hard worker. who Talks less and smiles more his motto is 

'don't let them know what your against or what your for'

Max was proudest of him his first born his pride and joy he sent him to the finest schools and give him only the best the world has to offer 

now for his second son 


Born from a mistake which led Philip's mother to grow depress and die that's not the only reason though

he was a loud obnoxious brat who grew up in his brothers shadow none expect anything from him which made him want to prove them wrong. his well educated, ambitious and charismatic young man, but his flaws lie in his impulsiveness, his arrogance, and pride which leads him to trouble on many occasions.

also he likes to be called Tristan reason explain later 

Max likes to messed with him thought messed might be putting it likely as when Aaron was young Max purposely left all the food on the top shelf and he lock the fridge and left the house for weeks in order to get Qui 

and left Aaron with no adult supervision but the teasing didn't really stop there

Now for his third treasured son 


born from Qui his true mate a wise, tough, and empathetic 8 year old. Marcus is the model leader for his pack. It is because of him That all Omega's in his pack are well treated and respected seeing as his mother is an Omega herself Marcus's passion and sense of civic duty makes him willing to put his people first.

Max spoiled his third son giving him riches beyond gold 

and with Marcus personality he built orphanages and tutoring buildings and houses for his less fortunate pack members 

the kid is a perfectionist can't stand things out of place he doesn't believe in team work for he believe that he can do it better alone 

both Marcus and Aaron are confident and will do things right here right now 

while Philip likes to think if what his actions might cause in the long run 

Max loves his Sons to bits even with their flows 

but everyone was shock when Max states that Aaron will be the next Alpha

Philip was mad and so is Marcus but they choose to smile and Philip whispers in his ear ''I'll wait''

while Marcus dictates ''you don't have the votes'

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