Bad Reputation

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"Who's HOT - Who's NOT"

Quinn     +  45
Santana  +  44
Puck        + 38
Mickey  + 36
Brittany    + 35 
Jessie      + 29
Finn         + 19
Mike         + 11
Matt          + 5
Rachel     - 5

"Who did it?" Mr. Shue asked seriously,holding up the Glist in his hand. The New Directions stared in silence, most very aware of the list, but no one knew who it was, "This is serious."
Mr. Shue continued, "Principal Figgins is threatening to disband the club."
"What the hell is that?" Mickey asked loudly, having never seen the list in his life, turning to Mike who smiled at him amused

"It's the glist" Mike shook his head at the boy with a smile, kissing his forehead,"You are so unaware, Hummel"

"Oh shut up, Chang" Mickey grinned at him kissing his cheek as the two held hands leaning on each other

The two best friends had gotten back into their groove. The groove that made many believe they were a couple, the groove that gave Mike hope he finally had a chance with the boy he loved since 8th grade. Mike and Mickey were like friends with benefits, but with strings attached

"Why are we playing this game?" Santana asked, filing her nails, "We all know it was Puck." earning a nod from Brittany

"I don't know," Mickey shook his head,"Puck's ego would make him put his name first" He said with an eye roll, his words earning sounds of agreement from the club

"Back off." Puck defended, "I didn't do Squat. Plus how do we know this wasn't Santana?" He retaliated causing the girl to stand in fury

"Oh please like I need to tell you who's the hottest," She bit back as she was held back by Mickey,"I'm not the big headed mohawk freak who knocked up his best friend's girl" She shot at him

"Woah, woah" Mickey quickly sat her down,"Cool it,San" He ordered softly as she huffed letting him file her nails

"Then why is your girlfriend first on the Glist?" Rachel asked, fed up with the fact that she was last "And why am I last? Aside from the fact that I refused to put out for you." She spoke again, the list obviously getting to her

"Okay, enough!" Will intervened, "No one is accusing anyone of anything." He said, trying to make peace, turning to Puck "Puck, seriously, did you do it?"

"I said no." Puck stated again, "I'm a delinquent, sure. I like setting stuff on fire and beating up people I don't know. I own that. But I'm not a liar, and Mickey's right if I made that list I would be first" His words earning a grin from the male

"See?" Mickey question, happy to know he was right

"All right, here's the important point." Will moved on, "Between this and posting Coach Sylvester's personal video on YouTube you guys are getting a pretty bad reputation."

"Wait, what about Sue?" Mickey asked looking at Mike who shook his head

Matt decided it would be better to show him now than having to deal with angry Mickey later, and took out his phone, showing the male cheerio the video of his mother figure dancing to 'Physical'.

"Oh no," Mickey sighed, then realized what his teacher said,standing and looking around the room,"Who the hell posted that video?" He yelled, his anger obvious in his expression

"Micks, calm down" Kurt said cautiously, hands raised

"Was it you?" His younger brother asked shock clear in his voice

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