Fallen Sly

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Title: Fallen Sky
Genre: Sci-Fi comedy
Warnings: Suggestion of nudity, misgendering of a transgender person,

Description: Rylie, an aquatic alien from the planet Redwa, crash lands on earth with amnesia. He knows he's there for a reason, but he can't remember what!

Note: The main character, Rylie, uses he/she pronouns which alternate every other paragraph in which she is mentioned. This is also very very short and rushed for the sake of the assignment requirements (this was for a class) so character reactions may be stiff/off and pacing is very quick.

Everything was quiet; all except for the ringing in his ears.
Opening his eyes, nothing made sense to Rylie. It was too dark... no... bright, it was brilliant. The rays from the sun were glaring against the surface of water, glistening and shining.

That's not water.

It wasn't water. It was glass. The glass of a windshield refracted the light, blinding Rylie so vividly that she had to squint her eyes, trying to make sense of it all. There were shapes, impossible to figure out. It was hard to see, and she was very dizzy. It was as if she was spinning.

She was spinning.

That's what it was. He wasn't underwater, as he'd previously thought. No, this wasn't the gentle rocking of the familiar waves from the planet, Redwa; this was the sky, and Rylie was plummeting.

A flash of light more vigorous than the light around Rylie appeared for a moment, sliding across her field of vision and disappearing, only to reappear yet again. What is that? Rylie thought as things began to make more sense to her slowly. There it was again! Then gone in a flash.

That's the sun.

Or rather, it was one singular sun.

Rylie was not on Redwa anymore. That was clear enough. Redwa--part of the Latemra solar system--had two suns. One was bright and yellow, as was the sun Rylie could clearly see as he spun in all directions, and the other was larger, a reddish-orange, and dying. Yes, Rylie was not on his home planet, he didn't know where he was.

You're in the sky, idiot.

Rylie tried to silence her intrusive thoughts. She focused on what was around her, as she was beginning to see things more clearly. She was in a chair. That was a good start. In fact, she was strapped to the chair so that she wasn't flying all about the cabin of the cockpit.

A cockpit! He was in a cockpit! It suddenly all made sense! There were control panels that were flickering on and off, a set of handles in front of him, and... was that a gun?! He was in a jet- no- a space jet. But before all things could piece themselves together, he realized he was in grave danger.

There it was; the sea.

This was no time for gathering familiarities. Rylie had to move and she had to move fast. By now, she'd recognized she was spiraling directly toward an ocean, and seeing the world spinning around her made her sick. On instinct, her hand flew to the little lever underneath her seat which she tugged down on to launch her from the cockpit.

Instantly, he felt himself get hurdled out, and just as quickly, he got hit by the space jet, knocking him unconscious.

Apparently, one should not go about opening the hatch and shooting themselves out of a fighter jet while the jet was upside down.


Jane was just about the most boring girl to look at. And she was boring in character too. She was dull, she offered no special talents to the world, and was rather blunt when it came to humor. Straight brown hair, average brown eyes, a normal-sounding voice, a bland laugh, and a normal height were the only special attributes she had. Everything about her was normal and average and plain. And that's why everyone called her "plain Jane".

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