The Turner Fountain Fish - Elevator Conflict Scene

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Title: The Turner Fountain Fish

Purpose: Elevator Conflict scene, DRWI assignment

End: Yippie I got an A

Genre: Comedy

Warnings: Mild swearing

Description: Katrin and Rupert, two college students, get stuck in an elevator together. Rupert's surprise golfish gift for his roomate spills onto the floor, dying with no water, floppin around all fish-like. Rupert sucks with his listening skills and does not understand that the waterbottle Katrin has does NOT have water in it. Will the fish survive?

Note: The premise of this is to put two or more characters in an elevator together (the elevator has to get stuck) and have at least one of them go through an emotional change in less than five minutes. ALSO THIS IS A SCREENPLAY! When the names are IN ALL CAPS it is for dialogue EXCEPT for in the first paragraph. I don't know how well Wattpad will take the screenplay format, so here we go!!!! 

INT. TURNER HOUSE ELEVATOR, NORTH END - MIDDAY Two students, RUPERT (19) and KATRIN (19) are getting on an elevator at the same time. Rupert is holding a plastic bag with a goldfish inside, and Katrin has a lavander standley cup. The students get on the elevator without appearing to notice the other. When the elevator starts to go up, it suddenly jerks to a halt. 

KATRIN:               (Alarmed) What just happened?! 

 RUPERT:          I think we're- The elevator suddenly shakes again and the lights flicker. Startled, Rupert drops his bag with the fish in it. The bag bursts upon impact with the floor, and the goldfish is now flopping around at his feet.

RUPERT:            My fish!

He desperately tries to scoop up the fish with his hands but struggles with how slippery it is. Katrin is judging him. 

 KATRIN:          What were you doing with a fish? Are we even allowed fish in the dorms here? 

RUPERT:          I just bought him! He was a gift for my roommate! Help me save him! 

 KATRIN:               (Disgusted) What am I supposed to do? 

Close in on Katrin's stanley cup. 

RUPERT:          Give me your water bottle! 

 KATRIN:          What? Why? 

 RUPERT:          For my fish! 

 KATRIN:          It is not my fault you dropped the fish. Just pick it up. It wasn't going to live long anyways. 

 RUPERT:          Just give me your water! Please? 

 KATRIN:               (Annoyed) But this is MY lavander stanley cup which I paid for. I also paid for the ICED TEA which is inside of it. 

 RUPERT:          Yeah yeah yeah, and I bought this fish. I promise you it won't damage your cup! I'll even clean it when we get out of here! 

 KATRIN:          Your fish will die either way. Rupert tries to grab her stanley cup and she immediately jumps to the furthest end of the elevator. The fish is still flopping around helplessly.

KATRIN:           Hey!

RUPERT:          Please, just give me the cup! 

 KATRIN:          Your fish will die even if I do! 

 RUPERT:          What do you mean? 

 KATRIN:          There is not water in this cup! 

Rupert tries to approach her and she jumps to the other end of the elevator once more. 

 KATRIN:          We should be more focused on getting out of here anyways! Or is your fish more important than OUR SAFETY! (She mutters under her breath) Jesus fucking christ. 

RUPERT:          If you give me the cup, I'll call residence life to get us out of here. 

KATRIN:          You're missing the point. Jeez, you must have half a fucking brain. 

 RUPERT:          What point?! 

 KATRIN:               (Waving her stanley cup at him) This is full of ICED. TEA. 

RUPERT:          PLEASE just give it to me! 


RUPERT:          Why didn't you say it was full of iced tea!

KATRIN:          I did, dumbass! 

Rupert looks quite hurt by her sudden remark. He stops talking to her, and manages to pick up his barely living fish off the floor, sadly cradling it in his hands. 

KATRIN:           (Softening) I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. 

 RUPERT:          My fish is going to die. 

 KATRIN:          Here, I'll call for help. You see if you can melt the ice cubes I have to get some water for the fish. 

 RUPERT:          That definitely won't work but... Thank you.

KATRIN:          Yeah, of course. 



Fifteen minutes have passed. Katrin and Rupert have hilariously surrounded the fish in icecubes from her iced tea and are waiting for help. The elevator jerks again and they can feel it begining to descend. The doors start to open. 

 KATRIN:               (With a smile) Hurry! Get the fish some water! 

Rupert scoops up the fish and dashes past the maintenance team to get the fish to the nearest source of water - the Turner fountain. After a few beats, Katrin follows him, joining him beside the fountain where the fish is swimming around happily and very much not dead. 

 RUPERT:          Sorry for not listening to you. That probably made me sound super stubborn. 

KATRIN:          That's alright. Sorry for being so mean and pessimistic. I guess your fish did have a chance of survival without plunging into my iced tea. 

RUPERT:               (Laughs) Yeah. How do you think my roommate will react when I tell him his birthday goldfish is in the Turner Fountain? 

KATRIN:          It's pretty funny if you ask me. 

The camera zooms out slowly like every end to a coming of age movie ever to exist, gradually showing all of turner house. The Turner Fountain Fish is now the official mascot of Turner house and all is well. Funky music.


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