Chapter 5: Revelation

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Time became a blur for C1-Austrum. His world was a white room, a cube of solitude. But within this cube, he was learning, growing. Each new object was a lesson, a challenge to overcome.
The tenth object was a map. It was a large, intricate piece of paper, filled with strange symbols and lines. C1- Austrum didn't understand it, didn't know what it meant. He studied the map, traced the lines with his fingers. It was a puzzle, a mystery he couldn't solve. But he was not deterred. He studied the map, memorized the symbols. He was learning to understand space, to grasp the concept of location and direction.
The eleventh object was a key. It was a small, metallic object, with a strange shape. C1-Austrum didn't know what to do with it. He tried to eat it, to wear it, to use it as a tool. It was only when the twelfth object, a lock, appeared that he understood its purpose.
The lock was a revelation. It was a small, metallic object, with a hole that perfectly fit the key. C1-Austrum inserted the key into the lock, turned it. There was a click, and the lock opened. It was a small victory, but it was a victory nonetheless.
Then, the signs from Libertas started becoming more frequent. They were no longer just symbols, but instructions. A clear path towards escape, towards freedom. C1-Austrum didn't understand them all, but he knew they were important. They were messages, communications from Libertas.
Libertas was guiding him, leading him towards freedom. Each new sign was a step towards escape, a step towards understanding. C1-Austrum was learning to follow, to trust Libertas. It was a slow, painstaking process, but he was making progress.

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