Past Events

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"You're- " Ezra tried to spit the words our of his mouth to no avail. The person standing in front of him was equally surprised and incapable of forming words. Ezra's eye twitched a bit as he finally formed words.

"Kanan?" He asked in disbelief. It looked Kanan except he had silver hair, a few wrinkles and a scar that ran from his bottom lip and disappeared into his goatee. His posture hadn't changed much either other than his shoulders were ever so slightly hunched. His clothing was different too. He wore a dark green tunic and pants with a charcoal colored flight jacket and much to Ezra's surprise he still wore his old Jedi boots. The older man's face was frozen between a smirk and shock.

"Uuuuuh." Was all the older Kanan could say. Ezra was a little surprised to hear Kanan's voice still sounded the same as it did how many ever years it did ago. For once that day Ezra was genuinely happy to see Kaaydin and Ben. His happiness faded when he saw Kaaydin had a stupid grin on his face as he scanned the situation. Ezra scowled at him until Kaaydin wiped the look off his face and walked over to him. Ben remained a few paces back.

"Fifteen year old Ezra meet eighty year old Kanan." Kaaydin said, coughing slightly when he mentioned Kanan's age. Kanan gave him a death glare before returning his gaze back to Ezra.

"Wha- What's going on?" Kanan asked, his voice laced with confusion. His eyes darted back and forth between Ezra and Kaaydin. Before either could answer a dark blue haired man wearing a dull orange jumpsuit with a short tan jacket and dark drown boots walked up behind Kanan. He stopped short when he saw Ezra. The two stared at each other for a moment, neither believing their eyes.

"Hey, Ezra." Kaaydin greeted the older man.

"That's me?!" The two Ezra's yelled. Kanan and Kaaydin winced at their sudden outburst.

"Yeah." Kaaydin said as if it weren't obvious. "Time travel."

"Time travel?" The older Ezra repeated, staring at Kaaydin like he was crazy.

"Unless you have a better theory on how your younger self got fifty-two years into the future?" Kaaydin inquired. The older Ezra ignored him and turned his attention back to his younger self.

"Wait. You don't remember this?" Ezra asked his older self.

"No." The older Ezra shook his head and frowned slightly. "Why?"

"Obviously this is time travel, so if this actually happened to you when you were younger then you should remember it." Ezra replied. Kaaydin caught on to what Ezra was trying to say.

"If your older self doesn't remember this happening then that means something in the past has been changed." Kaaydin said.

"Why do you think it was something in the past? It could be pretty much anything if the whole time traveling theories are correct." Older Ezra said. The younger Ezra tuned out of the rest of the conversation. Unexpectedly he felt something odd in the Force, something familiar. He hadn't realized until now that there had been something nagging at the back of his mind. Ezra was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed his older self was staring at him intently. The older Ezra adverted his gaze quickly.

"Hey, where's Ben?" Kaaydin asked no one in particular. Both Ezra's and Kanan looked around, but didn't see the flaming red haired boy. Quick to worry about his friend Kaaydin left the three and began searching for Ben. Kanan also began to look for the boy since the last time he had gotten lost it hadn't ended well for anyone. Ezra was about to join Kaaydin when the Force again rippled with the irritatingly familiar presence Ezra couldn't quite place. His older self must have felt it too.

"Do you feel that?" Older Ezra asked. Ezra nodded. It seemed so familiar, but he didn't know why. Then it clicked.

"Agent Kallus!" The two exclaimed in unison.

"Ben!" Kaaydin called out as he circled the Star Bridger. He came around the side of the spacecraft and stopped short as he took in the scene before him. Ben was standing in front of several faintly tinted multicolored, glowing shards that seemed to be frozen in place, but at the same time, spinning. Or was he spinning? Kaaydin looked away from the shards and shook his head. He assumed this was the phenomena that had sucked Ezra into the future even though it made very little sense to him. What made it more confusing was he couldn't detect the phenomena through the Force. Something this big and powerful Kaaydin or any Force sensitive should have been able to feel it in the Force, yet there wasn't a trace of it in the Force. The only other things in the galaxy that could not be detected through the Force were the Yuuzhan Vong race. But Kaaydin was quite sure they had nothing to do with this unnatural phenomena. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Ben reached a hand out towards a shard hanging in the air above him. Instinctively Kaaydin turned back towards his friend.

"Ben, don't!" Kaaydin shouted. Ben didn't hear him and touched the colored shard of light. Kaaydin ran towards Ben and grabbed the back of his tunic just as Ben was enveloped in blinding white light. The two screamed in alarm as they were pulled in.

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