Chapter 13

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|Revised Chapter|

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|Revised Chapter|

Allison's POV

Layla stumbled away from the dingy bathroom, running forward to the crowd of students. She pushed through the chanting boys, finally making it to the center, witnessing her boyfriend beating Ethan to a bloody pulp. "Isaac!" Scott shouted, but Isaac continued to fight him.

Layla stood there for a moment, watching her boyfriend reconstruct Ethan's face. Scott gave her an incredulous look, clearly demanding her to stop him. "Isaac!" The petite brunette yells, as if it were on cue, Isaac stops. His clenched fist raised frozen in mid-air. The curly haired blonde looked back to see Layla, he was shaking in anger, but Layla walked closer to him, not seeming the slightest bit scared.

"Of course, Isaac's bitch comes to the rescue."

Hearing the comment, Layla turns to face the boy who insulted her under his breath. "Excuse me?"

"I said," The red haired boy speaks louder, his dark brown orbs fixed on Layla. "Of course, Isaac's little bitch came to the rescue. Why won't you let us men release testosterone like we men do. And you, you cute little bunny can hop in the bus and wait for us?" The red haired boys friends, snickered at his comment.

Layla sauntered over to the boy, a smile fixed on her face. "Aww," She cooed and her fist flew out to punch the boy right in the nose, blood dripping out immediately. "I can't even begin to tell you how far I am from being a cute little bunny."

"Really coach? You're just going to let this chick hit me like that and not do something about it?"

Finstock looked down at the ginger, his nose gushing blood. "If you didn't give her such a good reason for her to land such a painful looking right hook on you, I'd have done something." Coach simply answers, he walked passed the teenage boy making his way to the freshly cleaned bus. "Everyone back on the bus! Now!"

"Isaac! What the hell was that all about?" Layla all but shouted to the blonde haired beta. Isaac looked down, ashamed, avoiding his girlfriends heated gaze.

Isaac mumbled a few incoherent words and Layla leaned in closer to him to hear it. "What?"

"He hurt you, Angel. I couldn't just let him get away with it. You could've died, do you have any idea what I'd do without you?"

"You'd be getting a lot more sleep, that's for sure." My eyes widened at her bold statement, Layla simply pecked Isaac on the lips. "But thanks, I appreciate it." The dark haired healer sashayed to the bus, Isaac following behind like a lost puppy, his blue eyes fixed on the girl before him.

"They're cute together," Lydia commented, as she met up beside me to enter the bus. We decided to leave my car, but we'd come back for it later.

I observed the couple, Isaac sat down in the seat beside Layla, his hand grabbing hers and kissing it gently. "Yeah, they are." They looked at each other with such adoration, it was almost sickening. I wonder if Scott and I looked like that.

"And yes, you and Scott did look like that. It was gross." Lydia confirmed, grabbing a nail file from her brown purse, using it to file her short nails.

"I bet it wasn't half as gross as the thoughts you have about Stiles," The strawberry blondes head snapped up to look at me, her green irises wide, and her pink lips parted slightly.

"Who sai-"

"Remember when you took a nap in the car?" Lydia nodded apprehensively, waiting for my next words. "You talk in your sleep and all you talked about was a certain lanky, painfully sarcastic nerd who fights mystical creatures on an online gaming community."

"We will not speak of this to anyone." I just grinned and turned my attention away from her.


Layla's POV

When we stopped again, it was dark, and we were parked in the lot of a creepy looking motel. It smelled, even from the outside, heavily of cigarette smoke. Isaac grabbed my duffle bag for me and held it as I stared uneasily at the unfamiliar building. "Well, I'm not a professional or anything, but I don't think I have to be to know that this is very unsafe."

"Angel," Isaac began, his tone teasing and light.

"I'm serious!" I whisper, taking my duffle from his hand. "This place has an uncanny amount of health violations, and we haven't even gotten inside yet."

Coach Finstock finally walked out of the bus, his unruly black hair all over his head. His pale blue eyes we bloodshot and were puffy, a sign of sleep deprivation and exhaustion. "Listen up. The meets been pushed to tomorrow. This is the closest motel with the most vacancies and least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourselves. You'll be paring up, choose wisely." Isaac, Boyd and I walked forward and I picked up the key.

Coach stopped Isaac by smacking his chest. "And I will have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants. Got that?" Isaac nodded and rushed to me, holding my hand. "Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves!"

We walked into our room and I threw the key on the bed closest to the window that Isaac and I planned on sharing. "Isaac, I don't like this place."

"Angel, the people who own this place don't like this place. We'll be fine." My boyfriend leaned down to kiss my neck gently, my eyes shutting blissfully on their own accord.

"Mm," I hummed softly at his actions that send tingles down my spine and goosebumps over my flesh.

"I'm going to go do—something." Boyd awkwardly announced, dumping his duffle bag on the ground. "When I come back, please be clothed."

"No promises," Isaac shouts to his friend on his way out. "Now, back to my perfect little Angel. Lets finish what we started," He ran his large hands down my body, stopping under my butt. He lifted me up, and my legs wrapped around his waist tightly.

My hands tangled in his soft hair, tugging on the thick tufts gently earning a gruff moan from his throat. His plump lips kissed mine, then down to my jaw, on my neck. Staying there for a few moments to nibble at the skin, leaving a hickey no doubt.

We laid on the bed, him on top, and he tried lifting off my shirt. "We have to stop," I pant, as his lips move over the parts of my breasts that weren't covered. "Isaac, someone could walk in."

"Let them."

I shook my head and giggled lightly as I pulled his head back by his hair. "I have to take a shower, I'm dirty and I have blood all over my stomach." We finally acknowledged my ruined shirt that we threw on the ground, and the dried blood on my torso. "Not exactly a mood setter."

"I feel pretty in the mood right now."

I got off the bed, grabbing some clothes out of my bag and walked to the bathroom. "I'm not. Let me take a shower and we'll see afterwards."

"Angel, that's not even close to fair." Isaac whined, throwing his head back exposing his neck. I suddenly had the urge to spread tons of little hickeys all over him, but I restrained myself.

I shut the door halfway, turning my back to him and stripping from the rest of the clothes that I was wearing. "It wasn't fair for you to put me in the mood, knowing that we wouldn't be able to act upon it."

The wolf opened his mouth to speak but I shut the door fully, blocking him out and taking my shower.

Halfway through washing my hair I heard a loud noise in the room. "Isaac?" I shout, waiting for an answer that I didn't receive. I shut off the running water, ignoring the conditioner that still resided in my soaking wet chocolate brown hair. "Isaac?"

I walked out of the bathroom, a nicotine scented towel around my body. Isaac was sitting on our designated bed, a sinister smirk on his face as he changed the fuzzy channel.




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