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Giyuu sat up, hissing softly at the pain in his severed arm. I must've laid on it weird in my sleep, he concluded, letting it hang at his side loosely. The stinging ache persisted, even spreading to his head over the span of a few minutes. Letting out a quiet sigh, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and dropped to the floor, draping one of the blankets over his shoulders like a cape before making his way out of the room.

I'll get some food. Pain medication would be better used on someone else.

The pillar kept his blanket wrapped securely around him as he walked down the hallway. Luckily, his room was at the very end of it, so he could check on everyone as he went. Poking his head into the boys' room, all three were fast asleep. On one bed. Tanjiro was the only one laying normally, with Inosuke curled up into a ball at his side like some sort of cat, and Zenitsu half hanging off the mattress. The red-head's healthy arm was tucked comfortably around Inosuke, and the other rested lightly on Zenitsu's back.

Giyuu ducked back out, leaving them to their chaotic-looking slumber. It's nice that they're such good friends, he thought. Continuing on to the room Kanao and Nezuko shared, the door was already wide open, so he just glanced inside. They were busying themselves by folding some of the clean sheets and washcloths that had just finished drying. Aoi would definitely appreciate the help. The two girls looked like they were having fun, laughing occasionally at each other's jokes and exchanging silly stories like they'd been the best of friends for years. Not wanting to interrupt, Giyuu hurried past the door, tugging at his blanket cape so it wouldn't fall to the ground.

Shinazugawa's door is open, he noticed. The sliding door was only open a crack, but it was enough for him to peek, if he decided to. One hesitant step after another, he soon found himself stood with his back flush against the wall, peering around the corner of the doorframe like a child pretending to be a spy.

Naho was in there with Sanemi, a bundle of wrinkled, slightly bloodstained, old bandages in her hands. She dumped them in the trash, having just applied new ones to the wind pillar's injuries. Sanemi shrugged his shirt back on, fixing it to how he liked it.

He got hurt pretty bad.. Giyuu frowned.

The little butterfly girl was the first to notice Giyuu standing by the door, and waved to him as she sorted through a number of medicines the wind hashira would have to take. "Good morning, Mister Tomioka!"

After the initial jolt of surprise at being called out died down, Giyuu stepped more into view, returning the small wave and offering a small smile. "Hello Naho, Shinazugawa-san." He enclosed himself tighter in the blanket the best he could using one hand, completely covering the one he'd lost. His nerves were still spiked, but he was hopeful; maybe he and Sanemi could talk for a bit, and if he was lucky, he might not get yelled at.

Sanemi, on the other hand, want very happy to see the other. He blinked, his narrowed eyes scanning the water pillar closely. From where he was sitting, he couldn't see anything about the man that hinted to him being wounded. Of course he got off scot free. And what's with that smile? Why's it that he only smiles after everyone else died??

Lowering his voice threateningly, Sanemi growled, "Get out of my fucking sight, Tomioka."

Giyuu's face fell. His heart sunk, lumping painfully in his throat as he whispered "I'm sorry" and disappeared.

Naho stood stock still, her gaze fixated on the still-open doorway. After a moment, she turned and slapped Sanemi's shoulder harshly. "That was mean!" She scolded.

"And? No one asked him to show up here. I certainly didn't, and it's my room, so I have every right to make him leave." An expression of indifference replaced what had previously been pointless anger.

Puffing her cheeks up in frustration, Naho crossed her arms and walked to the door. "Just for that, I'm not putting any flavoring in your medicine to make it taste better." She stuck out her tongue and left before the pillar could protest. "I'm telling Miss Aoi on you!!"

"And what's she gonna do, lecture me?" He shouted after her, leaning back against the headboard of his bed and glaring daggers at the closed door.

Slowly, his racing heart calmed down, his anger fizzling out. The image of Giyuu standing there with a tiny smile and a blanket wrapped around him was burned into his retina, sparking a little memory from some point in the past.

——————— (commence flashback)

It was a long, long time ago, back when Sanemi and Genya still had younger siblings, and they all had a mother who loved them. It had been one of those rare summer nights when it wasn't humid or scorching hot, but a comfortable heat accompanied by a light, gentle breeze. The stars twinkled high above the rippling fields of grass, a new moon casting no light to aid in nighttime activities.

The darkness certainly didn't help young Genya as he hid under his covers, trying and failing to fall asleep. He groaned quietly, finally giving up and throwing the blanket off of him. To either side of him, his younger brothers and sisters lay peacefully sleeping on their mattresses, entertained by silly dreams of luxury and fantastical creatures. He sighed, bringing his knees up to his chest. Genya passed his gaze over each of his siblings, eyes coming to rest on Sanemi, who, like the others, was asleep.

I don't want to wake him up.. so I'll just be quiet and careful!

Getting to his feet, Genya gathered his blanket up and threw it over his shoulders like a superhero's cape. He tiptoed around the beds sprawled across the floor, stepping silently over each until he stood by Sanemi's bed. Genya knelt down to lay next to his brother, but froze as a floorboard creaked under his shifting weight.

Sanemi's eyes fluttered open, and he stared up at his little brother for a moment. "What're you doing?" He asked.

The younger had a small smile on his face, a tiny, sheepish grin, really, as he responded "I couldn't fall asleep, so I wanted to come over here." Even quieter, he added, "It makes me feel safe when I'm near you, Nii-chan"

"Don't tell me you're suddenly scared of the dark.."

"No, no no no!" He whisper shouted his frantic denial.

"Yeah, sure." With a begrudging sigh, Sanemi scoot over to make room on the mattress for his brother.

Genya's smile grew, and he pulled his blanket tighter around his body as he climbed into the bed. To his surprise, Sanemi wrapped his arms loosely around him, holding his little brother in a hug for a moment before letting go and turning over so his back was facing the younger.

After settling into a comfortable sleeping position, Genya murmured "I love you, Nemi."

The older huffed, unsure how he felt about the nickname. "Love you too, Genya," he muttered. He could practically feel Genya's smile radiating brightly behind him, so much so that he reached behind him and flicked the boy's shoulder. "Keep that up and you'll never fall asleep, dummy."

"Right, sorry."

——————— (end flashback)

Sanemi growled, pissed off that something as stupid as seeing Giyuu wrapped in a blanket had triggered the sweet memory. Even worse, now his heart was hurting again.

Fuck that shitface..



Why are everyone's last words so tragic-

Mitsuri: "Iguro.. please.. if we're reborn, and we're reborn as humans.. can I be your bride?"
Obanai: "Yes, of course.. if you will agree to have me. And this time I will make you happy.. and protect you so you don't die."


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