The Shake...

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Me and Hobie saw this challenge on TikTok and this Dumbass said 'Oh luv wanna try it?' like NIGGA NO!??.
But he said he would pay for it soooooooo,

.... Present time.....

We're at McDonald's ordering the shake

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We're at McDonald's ordering the shake...I have a bad feeling.

The shake is in my hands

I drink it.

Everything go's black

I hear Dismantled groaning


Purple substance all over the

I see Hobie on floor. Laid. Out. Flat. Purple substance coming out of his mouth.

I look up to see a dark figure that kind of looks like a mike and Nike. I walk closer to get a better look

The entity is purple. It's turned around so I can't see it's face.

I lean in to touch it-

it turns around. It's has Hobies face but a blobby furry body. It just looked at me with soulless eyes.

I look back to See Hobies body is....Gone?

I look back at the entity and it's smiling. The I hear erree screaming coming from the entity. Then it runs away. 

..wake..up....w....wake .up....WAKE UP........................

It was a dream.

I open my eyes to see Hobie. I'm in my house on the couch. Everything is normal. For now.


I'm so sorry idk if this is trash I have never wrote anything horror on my life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2023 ⏰

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