Oni-san (2)

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"should I join in this deal of yours?" A voice entered the conversation. The 2 visionary's turned towards the voice and looked at the person who entered the room, both seeming unimpressed.

3rd POV

"Don't look at me like that Rayne-kun, Orter" The mysterious person said in a haughty voice.

"What are you doing here, Ryoh Grantz?" Orter Questioned the blonde haired visionary; unamused.

"Hahaha! Straight to the point as always Orter" The blonde visionary laughed. "My reason for coming here" "I just happened to stop by since I have time" "How's Mash Burnedead doing?" Ryoh answered the sand visionary's Question, while asking a question himself.

"He's doing well, still burning up but doing better" Rayne answered the light visionary in his usual monotonous voice.

"I see..." the light visionary said as they brought a hand to their chin. "I heard a bit from your little brother that he was crying for Domina in his sleep" Ryoh told the partisan visionary, seeming to add salt to the open wound. Ryoh just smiled at the 2 visionary's in front of him, the two didn't change their expression. Besides them glaring and glowering at him. "Well since he's not at our school, it seems I will be taking over his role from now on" Rayne told the light visionary, stating he won't back out of his deal even if Domina joins in. "I see, it is convenient for you since you're still going to Easton Academy and Mash is in the same dorm as you" Ryoh grantz spoke as he nodded their head in approval. Seeming to agreeing with the other.

"Oi...Don't get full of yourself just because you're in a convenient position, Rayne Ames" Orter Warned the other.

"Do not compare me to Ryoh Grantz" "Also it's not my fault fate has chosen my path in life, Orter Mádl" Rayne retorted back at the sand visionary.

"Hey! I'm not that bad!" Ryoh Grantz yelled. Orter and Rayne just gave him a deadpanned look. "Ok, Fine maybe I am just a bit extra" Ryoh raised his arms, surrending.

The two visionary just stared at the light visionary harder, causing the blonde to sweat drop. "Fine! Fine! You win....I'm that bad" Ryoh Grantz pouted crossing his arms.

"Anyways I heard you guys needed a judge? I can be your judge" the blonde visionary asked the two visionary's suggesting himself.

Rayne and Orter stared at the light visionary for a bit before staring at each other. They seemed to be communicating with each other.

A few minutes passed. The two visionary seemed to be still communicating through their eyes or so. As the two visionary's were too occupied with their conversation, they didn't hear the shuffling on mash's bed.

In a flash, Ryoh Grantz was sitting next to the sick male. As Ryoh Grantz examined the sick male he realized that the younger male was in hot clothing. A bit disappointed by the two visionary's failure in checking the clothing Mash Burnedead wore; Ryoh Grantz swiftly changed Mash's Clothes into a plain white t-shirt and black shorts that reached his thighs. Ryoh Grantz then proceeded to change out the wet towel on Mash's forehead.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead; Ryoh smiled at his hard work. Now tucking in the blanket over Mash; The light visionary looked at the other two visionary's that were still communicating through their eyes. Clapping his hands together; The light visionary was able to grab the attention of the other visionary's. "Now Now" "before we start I wanted to ask if you guys gave Mash Burnedead water at all today" "his lips are getting dry and his body's heating up" the two visionary stared at the light visionary before looking away. "We didn't..." Rayne muttered out quietly.

Ryoh Grantz just stared at the two visionary's before sighing out of disappointment. "I'll wake him up and give him water, since it'll be troublesome if you guys compete to do it" Ryoh Grantz told the two as he got off the bed and walked to the nightstand near mash's bed. As the light visionary filled a cup with water the other visionary's in the room walked towards Mash who was sleeping peacefully.

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