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Picture above is not related to story, I forgot where I found the picture, I think on Pinterest is where I found the cute photo.

Takes place after the fight with Innocent zero chapter 161. Mash is severely sore after using all his energy and muscles to fight innocent zero and protecting the whole continent. His brothers are all sent to prison along with Innocent zero (excluding Domina). Mash doesn't know if Domina's alive, since he saw him die in the magma. He suddenly gets Severely sick but Magic won't work. How will things go?

3rd POV

Mash was just now with his pops and back at home. Why? He was sick, and extremely sore. That was until he was being carried by the light visionary Ryoh Grantz, and he was being carried to Mistress Meliadoul, huh Deja Vu? He was quickly healed by her but the sickness stayed for some odd reason. It was just a normal fever but for it to not disappear and be healed was strange, Mistriss Meliadoul's magic should've healed that too but it didn't. She tried to heal him with magic but it seems to have worsened the fever. Assuming that it would have to be healed by medicine and time they let mash rest and go back to the school dorms to rest. Although it would've been better to send him back home, they needed someone to be able to help watch over and take care of him. His father volunteered to watch over him but they didn't want to place so much on him, due to his old age. The principal and divine visionary's assured his father in keeping him safe and watching over him.


It was just the 1st day being in the dorms, and Mash was sleeping peacefully despite his hard breathing and burning fever. Finn quickly replaced the wet towel that was on Mash's head with a colder one. Dot and Lance along with Lemon were In The shared dorm. Confused about the situation Lance spoke up. "Finn, why don't you just heal Mash with your magic? Wouldn't that be easier?" Lance questioned the other sitting on the stool beside Mash. "Did they not tell you guys?" Finn asked the 3 In the room, only to receive confused answers. "Well Mash suddenly got sick, and he just has a fever but magic can't heal it, Mistress Meliadoul tried healing him with her magic, but it seems to have worsened instead" "So we have to rely on medicine and time" Finn explained.

"I see...." Lance responded understanding the situation. It reminded him of his little sister. He grimaced at the thought. "I'll help you then" Lance told the smaller male. "What? You don't have to you know" Finn shocked by the others sudden want to help.

"I want to help, is something wrong with that?" Lance responded sternly. In which Finn responded quickly afraid to have pissed off the blue haired sis-con. "No! No there's nothing wrong with that"

"Oh mash my future husbands sick, you're still handsome when you're sick! My Love for you will heal you!" Lemon exclaimed quite happily determined to help. Dot just walked up to Mash who was still sleeping on his bed. "Tch, I'm jealous....of Lemons affection towards you but..." "get better, you hear me Mash" Dot Said in his boisterous voice only for it to get more quiet and calm, despite the jealousy you can hear in his voice.

Dot then looked at Mash, who's face was red from the fever. Sweat and water droplets rolling down his face. His chest rising up and down slowly.

Mash's brows then furrowed into what seemed to be discomfort or sadness. His usual expressionless face forming into a frown. "Mnh..." Mash groaned out seeming to not like the dream he was having.

Everyone in the dorm quickly looked at Mash, it was quite rare for mash to make such an expression too. They were all ready to help the other in whatever they were going through. "Gomen'nasai...Oni-San..." "gomen ne..." Mash cried out. This shocked everyone in the room. First Mash was crying, and older brother who?!

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