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Story description:
Finn gets hit by a spell. It was supposed to just change his personality! Not the swap the whole person!

This lasts for at least a week, what will happen?

Pairing: Mash x Finn
- Dom Finn and Sub Mash
-The other Finn Ames is a warning his self.
-One Hormonal Teen and One oblivious Teen
-Im Going against one of my rules and I'm upset with myself 😭

3rd POV

It's a normal day at Easton Academy.

After the fight with Innocent zero, everything has been returned back to normal.

The day flew by quickly, and it was already night time.

Finn the timid boy was just walking down the corridors of the dark hallways.

It of coursed creeped him out a bit, but he could still hear some students chattering through spells and other technologies. with that it eased him a bit as he walked down the halls.

Overall it was a Decent night. Continuing on his way back to the dorm.

Finn walked by a group of students, as he walked he was hit by a spell by one of the students. Smoke engulfed the other, as they quickly covered their mouth with an arm.

As soon as the smoke cleared, a brunette girl who belonged in the Adler dorm quickly ran up to finn apologizing to the other.

Finn of course accepted the apology. The rest of the brunettes group quickly came and apologized to the timid boy.

"If you don't mind me asking, what spell did you cast on me?" Finn asked the girl.

"Oh! It's supposed to be an Alternate person spell I believe" "The spell is said to switch the persons personality with an alternative version of their self" A blonde boy answered his question.

"But it seems the spell failed, so you don't have to worry about it Finn-kun" The brunette finished the other boys words.

"Ah...I see, I'm glad nothing happened then" "I'll be on my way now, also please be careful when performing such spells late at night, have a good night" Finn waved off to the group as he walked away towards the direction of his dorm.

As he walked away he could hear the group fussing over the chaos that could've broken out.

'You idiot why'd you hit him with that spell!?'

'I didn't mean too!'

'You're lucky that spell failed, you big dummy'

'Hey I'm not an idiot, in fact I found out that spell is very hard to perform' 'and I the idiot managed to perform it'

'And you failed'

'Pfft! Hahaha'


'Even if it worked what would Finn's alternate personality even be?'

'You're changing the topic now aren't you!'

Finn was back in his shared dorm.

Tucked in his bed, he dozed off, unbeknownst to the chaos that would begin once he woke.

Finn woke up early as usual, but something felt different. Going towards his shared bathroom with Adlers 1st year male students, he walked towards the big rectangular mirror that hung on the wall. That's when he noticed his physique was more fit and somewhat a bit musucular, not only did his physique change, so did his hair and face structure.
He didn't want to believe it but the spell that brunette girl and her friends casted actually worked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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