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its been about 2 days since the party. you are still too scared to face sakusa. you've done most things with your friends and you were all running out of ideas on what to do.

12:04 pm

you were sitting in your kitchen watching osamu make lunch while everyone else sat and talked in your living room.

"you gonna talk to sakusa yet?" osamu asked grabbing some ingredient out of your cabinet.

"why the hell would i do that?" you glared at him. "just a thought, maybe he wants to talk to you. i don't know though." he smirked.

"samu i'm gonna punch you in your mouth one day." you brought your leg up to the chair to lean on.

"oh yea, just like sakusa did to that guy? seriously y/n open your eyes, i don't think i've ever seen that guy fight. maybe he would make some snarky remarks, but a physical fight? i've never seen it until that night." he turned to look at you.

"samu your gonna piss me off and you've only been here for three days." you scrolled on your phone, until komori texted you.


hey y/n

hi komori

r u busy

no im watching samu cook
wanna come over

yes can i bring kiyoomi

gets scared

he's not mad
he actually surprisingly hasn't brought it up
if it pissed him off he would've said smth

ok ya u guys can come over

good cuz we r on ur porch alr


right as you turned your phone off you heard atsumu scream and run to open your door.

"tsumu what if theres murderers outside, you're just letting them in happily." sora said until she looked up and saw sakusa and komori walk in. you peeked out from the kitchen, they couldn't see you but you could see them.

you didn't notice you were staring at sakusa until osamu laughed. "why don't you go say hi, don't be weird."

"he can come say hi to me, if i go up it'll just be awkward." you sat back down at the island.

"y/n it'll only be awkward if you make it awkward." osamu took out bowls to put the food he just made in.

"i don't care, i'm not going out there." you said as you grabbed a bowl and started eating.

"y/n you are so insufferable." osamu sighed as he sat by you watching everyone talk in your large living room. you were turned to the kitchen while osamu was looking at everyone.

he slightly nudged you and whispered, "he's literally eyeing you the fuck down."

"i don't give a damn osamu." you argued as you continued eating.

"okay, well you can sit in here and be creepy and i'm gonna go say hello." he said as he got up. "no! if i'm in here alone then it'll be obvious!" you pulled him by his sleeve to sit back down.

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