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end of your third year


"y/n l/n" you heard the speaker announce, causing you to walk up to collect your diploma.

as you sat back down you watched as everyone else's name got called. you saw sora go up, a smiling and giggling mess. then komori, who was also a smiling mess, finally excited to get out of this hellhole. then your boyfriend, sakusa. his normal unbothered persona up, until he saw you and smiled.


eventually after they were finished calling names. you were all dismissed.

volleyballs hoes



i almost got trampled lowk

same tbh

ima go outside and find my dad and grandma then i'll look for u guys

you texted them then went outside and saw your dad with your grandmother on a bench. "hi dad! hi grandma." you hugged your dad. "congratulations!" your dad said squeezing you into the hug. "thanks dad!" you patted his back trying to note that you couldn't breathe.

"akito suzuki! let the poor girl go," your grandmother scolded him. "congratulations sweetie." your grandmother smiled and hugged you next. "where is that sakusa boy, i have yet to meet him!" your grandmother kissed your forehead then looked around.

"i think he's with his parents, maybe an-"

"nonsense y/n. you are my only grandchild i will meet this boy!" she laughed and stood up looking around for a tall boy, with dark curly hair, and two beauty marks above his eye, and probably has a mask on- the way you described him to her.

"sorry, sorry." you backed away from the demanding older woman. "y/n, aren't those the boys you are friends with?" your grandmother turned to you, causing you to turn away from your conversation with your dad then you get brought into a hug.

"YOU DID IT Y/N!!!" you heard atsumu yell as suna jumped on you into a hug. "ow, let go." you bit him on his arm. "did you just bit- nevermind." suna backed away, deciding greeting your father was a better idea.

"i didn't know you guys were here?" your father spoke up. "well, you guys came to ours. so it's only fair." osamu pushed you over so he could sit next to your dad.

"wow. i just completed school and you want to talk to my dad and grandma." you joked. "yes." the three said. "ok wow."

after about five minutes of you looking around for any signs of komori, sora, or sakusa. you felt someone jump on your back.

"N/NNNNNNNN WE DID IT!! AREN'T YOU EXCITED??!?" sora jumped on your back and yelled in your ear. "wow sora, you are very excited right now." you laughed prying her off your neck.

"of course i am- SAMU???RIN????TSUMU????WHAT????ARE???YOU????GUYS???DOING??HERE??? oh, and hello mr suzuki, and grandma." sora yelled, she's always had the habit of calling your grandma, grandma. but she did not mind at all.

you watched them greet each other and she dragged herself into their conversation. you ignored all six of them, still looking for your evil little boyfriend and his even more evil cousin.

enchanted ✧ k.sakusaWhere stories live. Discover now