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You make it to Miguel first, seeing the others still a distance away behind you, so you take it as your chance to give a few words to Miguel. You sling up to him quietly, seeing him watch an old video of him and Gabriella. You softly place your hand in his arm, causing him to glance at you. He turns the video off and lets out a deep sigh. You could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Miguel . . ." You start, slowly.

"I can't believe you let this happen . . ." He shook his head, not facing you. "Why didn't you tell me anything?"

You frown at him, "I didn't know it would turn out this way. I trusted she would do the right thing, and then she goes behind my back. She begged for a second chance, Miguel. To fix her mistake."

Miguel could hear the hurt in your voice and gives you an apologetic look. "I understand. I'm sorry."

You close your eyes, "I need you to control your temper, amour. Go easy on them; they're still kids. Miles doesn't have a clue as to what he's done."

Miguel's nostrils flare, remembering the dire situation at hand. "Right, yeah. Whatever. I'll . . . try."

You push his shoulder so he would face you, you both stare into each other's eyes, as though you were communicating quietly to each other. Your eyes were pleading, trying to convince him to calm down. His eyes had a slight red tint to it, highlighting his simmering anger. The longer he watched you, however, the more his chocolate brown eyes reverted back. He was calmer, now.

But as his eyes softened, you could see the fear he was showing you. The fear of losing so many things; everything, everyone--you. You could feel his distress, and you notice it's because of the trauma from the incident. He feels that he won't be able to fix things, just like he couldn't before to save Gabriella.

Meanwhile, the other three spiders watched the passionate scene before them. Hobie clicked his tongue in boredom. It wasn't that he was jealous, it was that he only believes you deserve someone much better than Miguel. Someone like himself. wink wonk ;3

(Omg should i make a Hobie ff? writing his british dialogue and slang would be so difficult tho :c)


"Wow, that's intimate." Miles quietly whispers to Gwen, watching the two of you gazing at each other.

She lets out a little smirk, "They're the most intense lovebirds around here. You'll see more of it the more you're around them."

Miles lets out a joking revolt, causing the two of them to quietly laugh with each other. You and Miguel heard him, and you felt Miguel's arm tense in annoyance. You give a look to Gwen who nudges Miles to stop laughing. Your lover grunts and turns away from you, as the platform grew closer down.

"Miguel O'Hara. Meet Miles Morales." Gwen announces loudly, gesturing beside her.

Miles waves, "Hey! ¿Qué tal, tío? " (What's up, Uncle?)

Miles grins at a smiling Gwen who shakes her head at him, and quietly tells her proudly, "See, I speak Spanish."

"Te traje una empanada-" Miles raises the small container to him. (I brought you an empanada)

Miguel swiftly turns and takes it from him using his web. He inspects it before dropping the container into a nearby trashcan. 

"Qué maravilla." (How wonderful) (omg this part was so hot, his voice-)

You wince behind him, seeing that Miguel was not impressed by the small offering you were hoping would work. Miles and Gwen glance at each other, and she gives him an encouraging nod.

"Uh, I'm really excited to get going." Miles returns to his intentions.

Miguel nods and smirks sarcastically, "Oh? Great."

"I got some fresh new ideas on how to catch the Spot." Miles slowly approaches the floating platform. "He just wants to be taken seriously."

"Oh. Wow. Uh-huh, uh-huh," Miguel plays along until he angrily throws the previous trashcan at Miles.

Miles and Gwen quickly dodge out of the way, and Hobie almost gets up from his lounging by surprise. You feel a bit of panic that either of them got hurt, but you knew they would make it out of the way in time. Thank goodness for spider senses. You were about to say something to Miguel, an attempt to scold him, but he begins to raise his voice.

"He's worried about Spot." Miguel throws his hands in the air, pacing back and forth. He points at himself and glares down at Miles. "I'll worry about Spot!"

"What did I do?" Miles says on the ground, glancing back at the contents of the trashcan. 

"Miguel! It's not his fault!" Gwen cried. 

You see Hobie snatch the empanada out of its container for himself. He brings the empanada up into the air for a toast with you. You try to give him a stern look to make him be more serious about the situation, but the smile on your face deceives you.

"Fault?" Miles stands back up in confusion, not realizing at all what he has done wrong. "Hold up."

"You blew another hole in the multiverse!" Miguel roars furiously.

"Miguel! Arrêter!" You hiss. (Stop)

Miguel glances at you and takes a deep breath, heeding your words from earlier to remain calm. You watch Miguel from behind him with a frown, preparing to step in if he gets carried away again.

"He doesn't know any better." Gwen steps in front of Miles to defend him. But it's not enough to convince the flaming Miguel.

Miles looks at her from behind with his brows drawn together, "I do know what-uh, not know . . ."

You snort at the child's ignorance, crossing your arms and leaning back against Miguel's desk. So far, you can tell that Miles can be very arrogant. Even though he feels like he has a lot of experience; he doesn't. What makes it worse is that he doesn't want the watch to be able to save other worlds, but just to see his friends. That's what makes you feel like he'll lose this argument.

"But you did, Gwen." Miguel points at her, sounding calmer now.

Gwen closes her eyes with a tight face, not having any excuse for herself. You felt a twinge of guilt, feeling as though you were part of the fault here. Mostly because you could have forcefully stepped in before to prevent any of this from ever happening. But instead, you left it to Gwen, who also lied to you multiple times. It went both ways for you.

"And you-" Miguel turns to Hobie in the background with a stern look. 

Hobie waves his hand holding an empanada in the air tauntingly at him. But Miguel decides he's not worth his time and waves him off, "-I was gonna try and ignore you. I just can't with you."

"I'm not even here." Hobie leans back and lays down on the table. "Not really."

Miles glances between Gwen and Miguel in confusion, "What's happening?"

"Hey, Miguel!" You hear Peter B. Parker's voice in the distance.

He reveals himself walking upside down on the ceiling from behind the small spiders, "Come on, go easy on the kid. He had a terrible teacher!"

He throws a snack in his mouth before hanging himself upright and brushing his soft pink robe with a grin, "He had no chance!"

You felt slight relief now that Peter has inserted himself. He'll help make the elephant in the room less present, and he'll also draw Miguel's anger away from Miles. It was a win-win of a sort. You fear Miguel's temper, however.

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