✙ Chapter 6 ✙

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Sorry for any mistakes! And, if you want, check out my new story Monsters Among Us! Thanks!



"Watch out!"

I released a small scream as Ethen whipped around, his arm slipping around my waist. Next thing I knew, I was tilting backwards, being bent over his knee while three darts zoomed above my face. With a growl, he raised a hand, instantly having the weapons in the guard's hands flying away. I straightened up, just as the guard was 'magically' thrown into the nearest wall, his head smacking against the hard surface, knocking him out. I was breathing heavily at this point - for the last five minutes, we had been running down the corridors of the facility. Ethen looked at me, his emerald eyes filled with concern. "Thea, I understand you're human, but you need to pay more attention."

I frowned. "Excuse me?"

He pinched his lips together. "I just don't want you getting hurt. I'm only saying you need to be more aware of your surroundings."

"I'm focused on getting you out of here."

"I'm focused on protecting you."

As I opened my mouth to argue with him, a group of guards came barreling around the corner, startling me. When Ethen started raising his hand, I grabbed his wrist and yanked him into the nearest room, slamming the door shut. The lights flickered on and shakily, I locked the door. Seconds later, the sound of fists pounding on the door came - I staggered backwards in worry, bumping into Ethen. He looked around the room in curiosity and impatiently, I tugged him over to the trash shoot. With the little strength I had, I pulled it open, unfortunately being greeted with a horrid smell. "Alright, this trash shoot will take you to the ground outside by the fence - and the fence may be a little shocking if you know what I mean."

He peered down. "Any guards down there?"

"There shouldn't be."

His eyes flickered my direction. "Come with me."


"I know you don't fully trust me," he started, glancing towards the door. "But, if you stay, you'll be killed. Come with me and I promise, I won't hurt you."

I hesitated. "I know you wouldn't hurt me, but . . . my whole life is here. By escaping, I'll throw that all away - my job, my friends, my second home."

He grabbed my shoulders, frustrated. "Thea, you won't have a life here because they will kill you, understand? This is the second time I've been here and believe me, they don't show mercy. Just come with me and we'll figure something out." I stared at him for a long moment, debating back and forth in my head. The door was barely holding back the guards at this point. Realizing he was right, I nodded and took a deep breath, hardly holding it together. He gave me an assuring grin, before gesturing towards the trash shoot. "Go ahead." With that, I crawled into the small, squared shoot and released my grip, colliding against the sides the whole way down. I dropped onto numerous bags of trash in the dumpster, which thankfully, prevented any injuries. Groaning, I hurriedly hopped out of the dumpster, landing on the muddy ground.

Seconds later, Ethen came dropping out of the shoot, but somehow, more elegantly. Easily, he lifted himself out of the dumpster and glanced around, suspiciously. Sirens were blaring outside, echoing. He snatched a rock from the ground and tossed it at the fence, appearing relieved when it didn't spark. "Hurry," he rushed, extending his hand. He helped me crawl up the fence, clearly knowing that I didn't have a lot of upper muscle. It was hard to believe that I was escaping the place that I had called my job with a werewolf and not just any werewolf, but one capable of magic. Even though, I was offering him my help in escaping, I still didn't understand why he was helping me.

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