✙ Chapter 15 ✙

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Sorry for the late update! Here you go! Btw, I love reading your comments, especially about my character, Thea. She was supposed to be an innocent, harmless character, but I thought, why not make her interesting? So, I toyed with her character and we'll see how she ends up ;)



"So, Tyler succumbed to his wounds?" Kolton asked, a devious smirk stretching on his face. The next morning, while everybody was running back and forth after Tyler's motionless body was discovered, I was standing outside, calm. The majority of my pack were creating fires and hunting for food - Kolton shifted back and forth on his feet, folding his arms across his chest. In the backyard, Drew and a few of his pack members were digging a hole for Tyler. Of course, Drew was upset and had locked himself in a room for an hour until eventually deciding he wanted to be the one to bury his brother. "His heart just stopped, huh?"

I looked at him. "What are you implying?"

"You know what I'm implying," he countered, releasing a chuckle. "It's a little strange that he was healing just fine and then all of a sudden, he died." I pinched my lips together and glanced around, holding myself together. "I'll be honest, you continue to surprise me. You defeated a werewolf and took over this pack, allowed me to torture Tyler, nearly allowed me to decapitate him, and then, you killed him yourself." I started tapping my foot, a little nervous that he, of all people, was seeing right through me. "Tell me, how'd it feel to kill him and get away with it?"

"Drop it."

"Why'd you do it?" he questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Did you really hate him that much?"

"Listen to me, I don't know what you're talking about," I lied, narrowing my eyes at him in warning. "If I was you, I'd be quiet."

He rolled his eyes. "Don't worry, I'm not going to tell anyone." I eyed him, wondering if it was possible for me to trust him or not. "And, I doubt any of them will figure it out." With a huff, I shook my head and remained quiet, not confessing or denying anything. "You see, I knew you'd kill him; it was in your eyes and I knew exactly how you were going to do it. Make sure there was no suspicion about his death." He chuckled and scratched his jaw, the wickedness in his eyes burning. "After all, psychopaths think alike."

"You are a psychopath."

"Yeah, you're right," he agreed, shrugging his shoulders. "I fall under a lot of things, such as psychopath, mass murderer, lunatic, monster." From the corner of my eye, I witnessed him grin at me. "I know I'm a bad person."

I frowned. "And, you don't want to change?"

"No, I don't," Kolton admitted, bluntly. "I know I'm an awful person; I'm all of those things that I listed and it doesn't bother me. I killed my family - my parents and my younger sister in order to obtain power. I killed my best friend when he claimed that I totally lost it." A chill crept up my spine as I listened to him speak, finally seeing how horrible he was. "I have the ability to change, just like everybody else, but I choose not to. I believe that is when a person is considered a monster, when they know they are and they don't care."

"How do you expect anybody to like you?" I blurted, raising an eyebrow. "When you're a monster? A horrible person?"

"I don't need people to like me," he answered, seriously. "I need people to respect and follow me." He gave me a pointed look, before waltzing off towards the treeline, joining Pete. I stood there for a long moment, replaying his words in my head. Kolton was a monster, just like Tyler, but for some reason, I didn't want him dead. Rubbing my temples, I turned around and headed back into the cabin, ignoring the people surrounding me. Caine was speaking with Nora who appeared frantic and worried while Ryker was situated at the kitchen table, his arm wrapped around Emma. I wandered throughout the cabin until I bumped into Ethen who immediately snatched my arm and pulled me into the nearest room.

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