✙ Chapter 13 ✙

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Hey! Another question - who do not want to die?

Also, check out my book Monsters Among Us - it'll be one of my main works after this series is over! ~Lissa


I never thought there would be a day where I was standing in the same room of all three of the Volkov brothers. Gulping loudly, I watched as Ethen finished knotting the rope, keeping the unconscious Temp tied to a chair. Regret washed over me as I stared at him, his head slumped and his shoulders hunched forward. In the end, I hadn't killed our enemy; instead, I was standing with him, suddenly on the opposite side. I was betraying the man who had stuck with me - who had helped me find Ethen. I folded my arms across my chest when Ethen took a deep breath, his emerald eyes flickering my direction. I squirmed underneath his gaze and glanced towards his brothers, uncomfortably.

The closest one was Caine who was rubbing his chin in thought. His face was splattered with blood and his black hair, the longest of the three, was messy. On the other side of him was Ryker, his hair spiked, his hands covered in blood, and his jaw clenched. It was strange how similar the brothers looked, but how different they were. Outside, the battle had ended after my command; I was relieved when there weren't too many deaths. As far as I knew, everybody was lingering beyond the cabin, taking care of injuries.

Caine looked over at me. "So, let me get this straight, you're Luna of the pack outside? And, the pack outside happens to be Emma's brother's pack? Tyler, Drew's brother, sent my brother to kill him? But, her brother, Ethan, is still alive and currently on the outskirts of town because you refused to kill him?" Caine pointed towards Ethen who stepped away from Temp, sullenly. Stopping next to me, Ethen and I exchanged looks, before nodding in response, simultaneously. Ryker shook his head while Caine took a deep breath, processing. "That mutt - that was the favor he asked from you?"

"Indeed," Ethen responded, quietly. "I couldn't do it."

"Yeah, it's a good thing you didn't," Ryker said, coldly. "Emma would've never forgave you." Ethen looked down at his feet for a long moment and I chewed on my bottom lip, nervously. Ryker shifted his attention to Temp and raised his chin, before speaking, "What do we do about him?" When nobody answered, he added, "It'd be best if he was dead."

When he stepped towards Temp, I instantly reached into the waistband of my pants and yanked out the gun. Flicking off the safety, I pointed the barrel at his forehead, a serious expression on my face. I knew that Temp wasn't going to be happy when he awoke; in fact, he was going to hate me. But, I refused to let anything happen to him - while he was a pain in the ass, he was still a friend and ally. I didn't realize it until then, but he had always been looking out for me. It was time for me to do the same thing. Ryker paused, his eyes flashing a terrifying red, and his nostrils flaring at the sight of my gun aimed at him.

Suddenly, the room started becoming hot, extremely hot. Sweat began rolling down my forehead and glancing at my shaking arms, I noticed how pink they were turning. All of my thoughts disappeared, replaced with a sharp pain in my temples. I winced, breathing heavily at this point, and looked at Ryker in anger, only to notice that he was blurry. Not a single part of me was functioning, including my brain, so I didn't understand what was happening. My gun slipped from my hands when Caine looked back and forth between us, before speaking up. "Ryker, knock it off!"

Next thing I knew, Ethen was lifting a hand, easily sending his brother flying against the wall behind him. Emotionless, he watched as Ryker collapsed to the floor, leaving behind a large hole in the white wall. Slowly cooling down, I stepped behind Ethen, peering around him to see his brother rising to his feet, growling. Caine lunged forward, moving between his two brothers, whipping his head around to Ryker. "Stop it! Ethen has never harmed Emma, so it's only fair you don't harm his mate!"

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