~ concert ~

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Emmy pov~

-Oli stop talking, you're stressing me.
- I can't Emmy, today is the big day, the day of the Joker Out concert!

And I completely forgot... My best friend is the biggest fan of Joker out, pff that's a stupid band name. She absolutely forced me to go with her, when we come from France and the concert is happening in Serbia... I can't say no, she's my best friend...

- Should I wear this or that?
- Olive, stop stressing a bit and relax in front of a movie.
- But Em, I can't calm down! We're going to see the Jokers out! I promise you won't regret

Jump in time...

We left the hotel to arrive at 8am. Of course the concert starts at 7 p.m., of course Olive wants to have the front row, of course...

During this long wait, I prepare my things so that the concert is perfect for me. Which means having headphones with quiet music in your ears and a book. It doesn't bother Olive, she knows that I don't like the group very much, she wants me to spend time with her.

The doors open to let us in and sincerely I was afraid for my life, Olive started to run to be in front of the stage.

5 minute jump...

The songs follow one another. I can bet Olive won't see you tomorrow...

Bojan Pov ~

During the break of a few minutes, I wanted to chat a bit with the public, in the front row I see a young girl very happy to be here but right next to her in the other one who has headphones, I guess she is listening music and a book in her hands.

- Hey the girl next to you is a friend? I ask.
- Oh uh, yes.
- She doesn't seem happy to be here.
- You're right, I kinda forced him...

After having this discussion, I approach the girl with the helmet and take her book to see her reaction...

Emmy pov ~

When I notice that I no longer have my book in my hands. I take off my helmet and look at the horrible person who took it from me

- Return my book. I say with a high voice.
- And why should I?

arh! I look at him and he starts to walk away, he walks towards another boy who I assume is a stupid friend of his. I see him whispering a few things to her and laughing at her remark. The book thief approaches and instead of handing me my book, he gives me a piece of paper...


Then Hi ! I hope this first chapter has you more and sincerely sorry for the mistakes... I know I made plenty. Infact I write in French to After all translate into English which can lead to mistakes so really, sorry :(

476 words

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