~ the message ~

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If you want to get your famous book back ;)

No, I'm dreaming! This guy is totally crazy arhh. I showed the note to Olive, she started laughing and said to me:
- You should go if you want your book, but I'm coming with you of course.
- You can go seriously yourself, I don't like this guy and I don't want to talk to him.
- No Em you go alone don't worry they are cool.

The concert was over, I headed for the room and I see a boy, he's the same one who laughed at his buddy's remark. I walk over and he starts talking to me.

- You're the girl with the book, aren't you?
- Yes it's me, I suspect you're the guy who was making fun of me.
- Haha yeah it's me, what's your name? I'm Kris enchanted.

I didn't want to get to know this idiot, but of course Olive has to interfere in my business...

- Pleased Kris, I'm Olive and she's Emmy, but we can call her Em...
- Oli, stop giving too much information!
- It's okay, I'm done.
- Follow me if you want your book. Said the blonde.
- Arh okay...

We enter a room and I see four pairs of eyes looking at me. _________

Hello ! I hope you like this story, I don't post often because my imagination doesn't come right away, sorry.

234 words

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