~ uncomfortable ~

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I literally feel embarrassed, everyone looks at me like dogs. I look around me and that's when I see my book on the table. I hurry to take it but someone is faster than me

- I can know why you bother me!
- I'm going to answer you sincerely, a concert is made for listening to music, not for reading. replied a boy with black hair.
- Well, maybe you're right, can I get my book and leave please?!

The big man supposedly named Kris gives me my book and walks me out. I'm about to join Oli, but a hand grabs my wrist

- So, I don't want to be insistent, but maybe we could keep in touch...
- Uh, well, why not.

I give her my number and say goodbye.

I told Olive absolutely everything. She was happy for me because she wanted to find me a date for a while, for me Kris is not a date, it's just a "meeting" for now...


Two weeks have passed since the concert, we were still in Serbia, I'm staying with Olive's parents with her, her parents are half Serbian, half French.

After having lunch I receive a message from an unknown number.

Unknown number
Hi, it's Kris, sorry I haven't messaged you in two weeks, because of the gigs...

I have proof that it's you at least?

The name of your book is "Ugly Love" right?

Ok it's you...

I would like to know if it is possible that we see each other.. I don't want to insist and especially if you are still in Serbia.


Why not... when, where and at what time?

Tomorrow at 2 p.m. in the center of Belgrad.

See you tomorrow :)
Read 2 minutes ago

  MeSee you tomorrow :)Read 2 minutes ago

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Em_ray : She stole my dog... @Oli_Hardy

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Hi, sorry for the absence I had no more imagination... don't hesitate to give me your opinion and give me ideas :)

324 words

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