The Beginning of a New Life

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"My first ever Story in Wattpad and it a Yu-Gi-Oh Story Nonetheless I'm very nervous on the story will perform I'm hoping I can improve my writing skills to impress you guys. I'm still new so if there's some mistakes please forgive me I'm still new at this so give it some time then I'll improve to suit your guys liking but any way here's the introduction to the Male Oc I hope you enjoy."

"Sadness and Heartache all I've ever known for the the past 4 years. Someday I hope that I can find the closure that I deserve after experiencing the most depressing and heartbreaking things that any person can't ever forget"

[3rd person Pov]

"Takumi stood before the graves of his beloved siblings, Hiroshi and Sakura, their tombstones a solemn reminder of the pain that haunted his heart. It had been two years since their tragic deaths, yet the memories of that fateful day still tormented him. With tears welling in his eyes, he reached into his pocket and pulled out two cards - Decode Talker and Firewall Dragon."

Takumi: "(whispering) Hiroshi... Sakura... You gave me these cards... To build our Playmaker-themed deck... I miss you both so much. Thank you for everything we shared together."

"As he gently wiped away a tear, Takumi carefully placed the cards back into his pocket. He then placed a bouquet of flowers on each of their tombstones, bidding them a bittersweet farewell."

"Takumi made his way back home to his apartment, exhaustion weighing heavily on his shoulders. He removed his jacket, revealing the deck left on the table. Nearby, a framed picture captured a cherished moment of joy, showing Takumi and his siblings smiling brightly at the orphanage while playing Duel Monsters."

"With a heavy sigh, Takumi began to prepare dinner, his mind lingering on the memories of his siblings and their shared passion for dueling. Unbeknownst to him, the deck on the table began to emit a faint glow."

Takumi:"Well I Guess gotta sleep guess I'll call it a night. Goodnight Sakura, Goodnight Sakura."

"After finishing dinner, Takumi planned to retire for the night. But as he walked past the table, the glow from his deck caught his attention. Intrigued, he approached it and picked up the deck, seeking answers. As he did, a sudden darkness enveloped his vision, and his consciousness slipped away."

"When Takumi regained his senses, he found himself in a park surrounded by people with anime-like eyes. Confusion filled his mind as he took on his new appearance - he was wearing a black and green bodysuit with golden stripes going across his body and a grey belt at the waistline. His hair color is yellow and red with pink stripes and accents. It was as if he had transformed into his favorite Yu-Gi-Oh protagonist, Playmaker."

Takumi: "(astonished) This

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Takumi: "(astonished) This... This can't be real. Am I dreaming?"

"As if in response, his own voice resonated in his ears, matching the voice of Playmaker himself. The shock of the situation washed over Takumi, leaving him speechless. Next to the fountain, he noticed a navy blue bag. Curiosity compelled him to open it, revealing Playmaker's duel disk and deck."

Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Cyberse Nexus (Male Playmaker Reader Oc X Arc V)Where stories live. Discover now