Meet me in the hallway

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Tommy waited. His leg bouncing. He hadn't seen Tubbo in 2 days. He hoped Tubbo was feeling at least a bit better. It might take a bit of the weight off his shoulders. After a bit of waiting Tubbo came out into the hallway and hugged Tommy. Tommy never usually got hugs from Tubbo, so far so good. He usually told Tommy he'd rather hug anyone else besides him. As a joke obviously. 'Tommy I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to.' 'Hey it's okay! At least you're alive.' 'It was an accident.' Tubbo mumbled. 'Tubbo you don't need to lie to make me feel better, it's okay we can get you help.' 'No I don't need it.' Tubbo snapped. Tommy went silent for a moment thinking of what he could say. Anything to make tubbo feel better. 'Tubbo, you need to speak to someone I don't want anything bad to happen to you.' 'And it won't.' Tubbo said cutting tommy off. 'Tubbo just promise me you'll try it.' 'You can try it once and then if you hate it we can try something else.' Tommy suggested. 'Okay.' 'I'll try it.' Tubbo said. He didn't look happy about it though. He looked tired as if he hasn't slept in ages. I mean how could you after something like that happens. He probably had to answer so many calls from his family asking if he was doing okay. This only made tommy feel worse. Tommy just hoped it would work. That's the one thing he wished for. He wanted tubbo to be happy so Tommy could get it off his mind. So he could move on.

Tubbo kept his word. They did try it. Tubbo went from doctor to doctor therapist to therapist. It was hard. Tubbo felt he didn't quite fit anywhere. Tommy reassured him that at some point they would find a place right for him and he wouldn't let tubbo down. The thing about tubbo is he never tells anyone how he's really doing. How he really feels he always bears it on his own. He never voices what he needs or wants. Sometimes he finds it hard and other times he just doesn't. So Tommy tried his hardest. He also tried his hardest at work. To keep his mind off of things. Even dream stayed out of his way. Atleast Tubbo was in the same apartment as him again.
Then eventually tubbo found a doctor who he could stand talking to. A doctor who really understood him and tried to help. Tommy was happy. As long as tubbo was.

A bit later tubbo got meds. He has to take them everyday and tommy was proud. Tubbo was really trying. He hoped tubbo would keep trying. That's all tommy wanted. Ever since tubbo started taking his meds he's been different. He doesn't laugh as much. He's kind of sadder? Almost? Tommy didn't know how to describe it. It's just as if he was still functioning on the outside bit something on the inside wasn't right. As if his laughs were all faked. Maybe meds weren't the answer maybe the therapist wasn't as great as tubbo thought she was. Tommy could think of a million outcomes of how his life could go and they all end with tubbo. There's nothing tommy wouldn't do for tubbo and if the meds worked tommy was okay with it. He would support tubbo. Even if it does mean loosing his laugh. Tommy wished he had superpowers so he could constantly know what tubbo was thinking so he'd know how to make him feel better, but what if nothing would make him feel better.

That was Tommy's worst fear. So Tommy let the meds do their magic. If you could call it magic.
Tommy certainly wouldn't call it that.

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