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Tommy tried to work, but he couldn't. Tommy was rethinking everything. The only reason he hurt tubbo so much was because he thought he didn't deserve it. He was so rude to Wilbur hoping he would be rude back. But he never was. He definitely didn't deserve Wilbur now. Maybe it was for the best. He missed Wilbur already. He didn't want him to go. Tommy started breathing heavily he couldn't do this. Tears began forming under his eyes. Then someone approached him but he didn't care all he cared about was Wilbur. For once he wasn't thinking about tubbo. 'Tommy are you okay?' Tommy turned to face the voice and he saw dream standing there tommy began to cry. 'No.' Dream took tommy to his office and sat him down. Tommy wasn't focused on it because he was focused on his friend. 'Tommy what happened, is it about tubbo?' 'No.' Dream looked a bit shocked by this but he wanted to try help him out. 'What is it tommy.' Dream looked at tommy. 'I have a friend, and uhm I guess I feel like I don't deserve him as a friend and I push him away, I'm such a dick to him and he's leaving today, I don't want him to leave.' 'Tommy you know what you need to do.' Dream said. 'What?' 'You need to go tell him exactly how you feel and how you don't want him to leave.' 'Okay when?'

'Right now.' 'Go tell him tommy.' Tommy stood up and left as soon as he left the building Tommy ran as fast as he could. Dodging people on his way but tommy didn't care all he cared about right now was his best friend and that friend was Wilbur. Tommy ran and he didn't stop even when he thought his lungs would collapse. Then he saw the road his apartment was on tommy kept running and he saw a taxi outside the building. Wilbur was in it. Tommy couldn't loose a friend. No not again. Tommy ran towards the taxi but it started to drive away. Tommy tried to scream all sorts of things to get the fact to stop but it didn't it kept driving. Tommy chase after it but it sped up Tommy couldn't keep up. Tommy watched as the taxi with his best friend in it drove away. Forever. If only tommy was a minute quicker. Maybe he would be able to apologise. Tommy sat on the road he didn't move he was afraid to. Tommy sat there and sobbed. He never appreciated what he had until it was gone. The best thing that ever happened to him was always there but he never cared for it. Tommy never treated Wilbur right and he was so sorry and he couldn't express it. Now Tommy's back to missing everything he had everything that was real. Maybe one day he'll see Wilbur again. Or maybe not. Tommy was too afraid to express his feelings and now the one thing he cared for was gone. Tommy just wished Wilbur would've hurt him back. Hurt him so bad tommy would be able to hate him for leaving but Wilbur left simply because Tommy asked him to. Not because Wilbur did wrong because Tommy asked him to. Tommy sat there and cried until someone got out of their car and yelled at him to get off the road.

He was such a coward. And cause of that he lost the only thing that mattered and he didn't even know it.

Maybe one day tommy will see him again. Tommy seriously doubted that though.

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