Drinking and overthinking. (Ambrosious angst.)

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Another writing of the AU where Ambrosious had got stabbed and not Nimona in disguise real??!?

Also I am taking requests for any AU ideas anybody has, And a finale note PLEASE to whoever is part of the Nimona fandom or those who don't consider themselves to be apart of the fandom and just really like the movie and or the books. PLEASE PRETTY PLEASE friend me on discord my discord is : shining_starz.

Note on the actual writing, TW: Angst, sewerslidal thinking, overdrinking.

Inspired by ; aha_elmo on ao3 !

But let that be all enjoy the writing of today,

Ambrosious sipped his wine, the other knights and Todd were being so loud for now for what reason? All he could think of was Ballister and how he had saved him the knight he got stabbed. Ambrosious didn't bother telling the other knights what had happened that day, all the knights knew is that he disappeared that knight without a trace. He still couldn't get over the fact the Director had set him up like that, Ambrosious had slammed the counter angrily, without realizing it. The other guards noticed the loud nice and stared in confusion. "Well angry now that your little boyfriend and his is gone?" Todd said teasing the upset blonde. Ambrosious turned and looked over at Todd, anger filling in his eyes. "Todd, You keep Bal and Nimona out of your fucking mouth." Ambrosious snapped back, it was rare for the blonde to ever swear. This was unnormal of him. The knights and Todd had stared at Ambrosious like he had just killed a man. They were shocked, Fucking hell. Todd was slowly getting to him.

Ambrosious never thought of murdering Todd before but he was sure thinking of it now, he always would try to ignore whatever Todd would say when Ballister was around. But It was all getting to him just now. Ambrosious tried to ignore what the knights were saying after snapping that one time, He continued to drink and drink more and more wine. Until he was eventually cut off from it, Ambrosious will admit he had developed a drinking habit soon as Ballister had left. He missed his boyfriend so much, last time he saw him was when he got stabbed by the Director and that was a long time ago. God all he wanted was to be hugged and kissed again by Ballister, he missed him so much.

Ambrosious got up, nearly falling. God he was drunk, he waddled his way to the back door of the bar and exited through it to the alleyways, he needed to get home. Ambrosious' mind wasn't working right, he nearly kept falling. All he could think about was how much he missed Ballister. All he wanted was a hug right now, he could relax with just a hug. Nothing more, he missed cuddling with Ballister in the small cottage. He missed the days where none of the queen assassination had happened, he missed the days where it felt like he wasn't torn away from his boyfriend. Ambrosious kept walking through the alleyway He was starting to get dizzy, but he didn't care, he was upset. And drunk, mostly upset and drunk.

Ambrosious collapsed near a couple trash cans, god he was such a fucking mess. He couldn't stop himself from drinking when it was so easy, He couldn't stop himself from drowning out his sorrows and making himself feel worse. Ambrosious thought to himself deeply, he looked at his past actions and tears finally began to fill his eyes, he was already upset of what he had done. He had cut off Ballister's arm, he had pushed Ballister away. Everything that had happened felt like it was his fault, the assassination felt as if it was his fault. It should've been him that died that night. Not the queen, he felt awful he had ruined the one chance that Ballister had to become a knight. Ambrosious officially broke down sobbing, he felt so bad. Maybe it really was true that he was better off dead, He could've died so many times. He could've gotten killed by the director, he could've died that day instead of the queen. Ambrosious felt like he deserved to die, that's all he felt at the moment other then regret and sadness. He felt like he didn't have a purpose in life, he was meant to protect the kingdom but what could he possibly do anymore. Everything was set up by the director, the assassination of the queen was set up by her, there was so much things that were her fault. Ambrosious pulled his hair, god he was pathetic, sitting in an alleyway absolutely drunk and crying. He was such a pathetic knight, god he didn't even deserve to be called a knight anymore. Ambrosious felt like he was weak, he felt like a pathetic knight, more pathetic then Todd and that says a lot.

Ambrosious just wanted a hug, just a simple hug and loving words from his boyfriend. He wasn't asking for that much he felt like, but it was too much. He cut off his boyfriend's arm and now is asking for a hug from him, All he could think about was back to the night he had got stabbed by the director and how Ballister had saved him. God why did Bal save him, he didn't want to be saved anymore. He wanted to just curl up into a ball and just- not exist anymore.

Ambrosious put his leg in between his legs and continued sobbing, that was until he heard a noise near the nearby garbage cans, It sounded like somebody was digging in them. "Hello...?" Ambrosious said, his voice breaking up from the tears he had been crying. He got no answer but as he got a look at the trash can he saw a red raccoon hopping up on the trashcans trying to peak in through the window of the bar. Ambrosious didn't know if it was just him being drunk or if he was seeing this shit. When suddenly a tall dark figure came from behind the trash cans and the raccoon.

Was that Ballister, god what the actual fuck was going on. Ambrosious' hand slipped and he had dropped a bottle on the ground, causing the raccoon and the figure to look over.

Ballister adjusted his eyes in the dark, what the fuck was that noise. Was it a homeless man? I mean it isn't normal for there to be homeless people in the kingdom but it is a possibility. "Is that a spy? Are we being spied on?!?" Nimona shapeshifted back to her normal self hearing the loud noise from the bottle breaking on the ground. "I doubt we are being spied on, but let me go check on it." Ballister replied to the red headed girl.

Ambrosious didn't want to have Ballister see him like this, what was Ballister even doing in the alleyways of the bar? What was happening, Ambrosious tried to get up to escape Ballister possibly seeing him but he gave up, he was too tired to even move a muscle.

CLIFF HANGER BECAUSE I'M SO KIND!! But enjoy people enjoy.

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