Play date 🩸🐟🧃

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Yoko and Divina both slipped into their 7 year old mind space while being on a date


Yoko's pov

Me and Divina were going on a Picnic date today, it was for our 4 anniversary

I was outside our dorm waiting for Divina who was still getting ready

I wore a simple outfit, black baggy jeans with a baggy dark red shirt with a devil on it

I was holding my phone and texting Enid, she was having a movie date with Wednesday and was telling me all about it

A few minutes later I heard the door open, I look up to see Divina walking out wearing a baby blue summer dress

My mouth fell open and she laughed saying "ready yolkie?"

I quickly pulled my self together and said "Ofcouse, my lady" I stretch my hand out and waited for her to grab it

She rolled her eyes, smiled at me and grabbed my hand as we started walking to the hall and outside nevermore

The weather was beautiful, it was a sunny day not to hot just fine

We got by the place I choose for our date, I had already laid down a blanket with food and everything, it was right next to the lake and the forest

Me and Divina laid down and watched the clouds while feeding each other some strawberries covered in chocolate

No one's Pov

"Hey yolkie?" Divina asked and looked at Yoko, they were both laying down on the picnic blanket

"Yeah love? Is something wrong?" Yoko asked looking at her girlfriend

"No no nothing is wrong only one thing" Divina said in a kinda whisper

"Sure, what's it?" Yoko said smiling at her

"Do you also see that thing in the woods?" Divina whispered to yoko

Yoko looked up at the forest and saw a few bushes moving

"Yeah I do" yoko whispered back to Divina

"Wanna check it out" Divina said exited

"Fuck yeah, come let's go" Yoko said grabbing Divina's hand and pulling her up

Divina giggled as Yoko dragged her to the woods, she could feel her self slip but it didn't really care because she also saw Yoko slipping

Both of them giggled seeing each other now much smaller, they quickly ran to the forest to see why the bushes were moving

Yoko slowly pushed the the branches of the bush aside and they saw 3 baby rabbits sitting behind the bush

Divina gasped loudly and turned to Yoko whispering "they're  so cuteeeeee"

Yoko nodded watching the rabbits slowly come closer to them

Divina crouched down and stretched out her hand, first the rabbits flinched and backed up, but after a few sniffles around the girls they came closer so Divina could pet them

Divina giggled as she sat down and the rabbits went to sat down on her lap

"Yoko, come sit down with me, they're so soft come on you have to pet them" Divina said exited looking at yoko who was still standing

Yoko hesitated for a few seconds before sitting down next to Divina

Divina grabbed her hand and slowly put it on one of the small rabbits

"See, nothing scary and the are really soft" divina said smiling at Yoko who was now happily playing with the rabbits

After 20 minutes they decided to leave the rabbits to rest again, divina had put them down on the ground and they ran further the forest in

"Bye bye rabbits" divina said happily waving in the direction the rabbits ran away

She grabbed Yoko's hand as both of them walked back to their Picnic blanket

Divina sat down and Yoko laid down putting her head on Divina's lap, Divina stroked Yoko's hair and Yoko closed her eyes as there was a comfortable silence

Few minutes later Divina asked Yoko

"Hey yolkie?"

Yoko hummed in response that she could hear Divina

"Wanna go back to the dorm and watch a Disney movie?" Divina said

Yoko opened her eyes and sat up straight and smiled saying "sure, let's go back"

Divina smiled excitedly and stood up, Yoko did the same as she grabbed the blanket and the other stuff

"Yoko let me carry some of the stuff" divina said trying to grab some stuff out of Yoko's hands, but the vampire quickly turned away so Divina couldn't grab anything

"Hell nah your not carrying anything, now let's go back to watch the movie" Yoko said as she started walking back to nevermore

Divina smiled and rolled her eyes as she laughed when Yoko almost fell over the blanket

When they finally got back, yoko had put away the stuff from their date while Divina went to put some more comfortable clothes on

After that Divina waited on Yoko's bed with her laptop while Yoko got in more comfortable clothes and grabbed some snacks

When Yoko got back she laid down next to Divina laying the snacks on her nightstand and asked Divina "so, what Disney movie would you like to watch?"

"Mhmm can we watch Bella and the beast" divina mumbled

"Sure I love that movie" yoko said smiling at divina and wrapping a arms around her

Divina smiled as she laid her head down on Yoko chest and snuggled close to her while Yoko hit play

Both of them couldn't finish the movie because they both fell asleep in each others arms


Sorryyy for not updating guys I was in a hotel without any wifi and then I went back to the Netherlands with my gf and I'm staying here for 2 weeks but I can writeeee

Also sorry if it's short

I fucking love wenclair and yokovina their such amazing ships

Leave request so I can make more one shots for you guys

Have a nice day and take care

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