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I worked at a primary school, I'm not sure which one or what the name was but it was a very big one and I'm guessing very rich. This is my second dream about it but I can't remember the first dream at all.

Anyway, the first part of this slight nightmare started with me in the sports hall and I walked out to go to the back of the school where I needed to sign out.

Apparently, I often spend way too long cleaning up after the children that all the other teachers and staff have already left. So the receptionists were gone too and I couldn't sign out at the office.

There were still a few cleaners left here and there just drearily doing their job in the pitch black for some reason so I asked one of them where I could sign out. They point me in the direction of this hidden office for all the night security guards so I head that way.

As I go, I have to walk down this small corridor that was getting darker and darker the further I went in. I heard a giggle that sounded like it was from a small child, the gender cannot be identified.

I eventually reach the room and the door is left open just a crack so the light from inside was streaming into the dark corridor and I felt a little safer. I rush in there and almost fall down a set of stairs as the first thing that you are met with is a set of stairs, right beyond the door.

Anyway I manage not to fall and stumbled back into the corridor a bit where I noticed a sign outside of the door. I read it and it mentioned something about the giggling child I heard but I can't remember what it said exactly. It was something like 'don't be afraid of them but don't anger them either' and they had a name but I can't remember that either. When I read the name though, I assumed it was a girl.

Anyway so I go back into the hidden office and make my way down the stairs. Only two people were working, one old and skinny woman with grey hair in a bun and reading glasses and awful posture, and another larger man who was standing instead of sitting at his desk.

When I went in, they didn't notice me so I went up to the lady and asked her where I should sign out. She was a little mean and said that I've been here multiple times and I'm always late so I should know by now.

I apparently did know and went to sign myself out near the man. I asked the man about the sign outside and he confirmed my suspicions that there is a little girl ghost roaming about the school who giggles and should not be angered. I thank them both but they neither look at me nor say anything back.

I walk home because I don't live far from this school. On my way, I see a guy walk towards me, look at me then put his hood up and hide his face as he walks past. I don't think much of it, like let people do what they want and whatever.

I get home and I'm greeted by my boyfriend, I'm guessing we live together in our own little apartment. He takes care of me, asks me about my day and stuff like that. Then we get into bed and sleep.

Then the dream cuts to the next part where I'm working with my boyfriend in the same primary school and we're cleaning up the assembly hall. We finish up, put the mops back in the small closet then make our way down to the basement for some reason.

There was like a mini theme park in the basement with a platform in the middle of it all that had four treadmills on it. A man was standing among the treadmills and instructing two people, that I don't know and don't interact with, that were using the treadmills.

Me and my boyfriend get up there and are asked by the man to get on a treadmill each and start running if we want to ride the rollercoaster. After this exchange, I realise the man is my manager in real life. I don't know what he's doing acting as a rollercoaster operator or fitness instructor in the basement of a primary school but whatever.

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