help me?

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summary: in this universe izuku and katsuki never hated each other; since quirks weren't a thing, and have been close friends since childhood. but now 14 and 15 and both in middle school have started to grow in.. different ways. ways izuku can't understand.. and doesn't know that asking for katsuki's help was the best and worst decision of his life.

3rd person's pov-

izuku and katsuki walk side by side—or more like izuku following behind katsuki as they exit school.

it was a routine for them to both go home together, and since it was a Friday izuku didn't have to go home.

everyday Mitsuki picked the pair up, and dropped izuku off at home. but due to the weekend izuku stayed with the blond.

"you ask her!" izuku was in the middle of huffing, too shy to ask the older's mom to stay at their home.

katsuki rolled his eyes, not understanding how izuku still makes him ask even though there was never a time where Mitsuki said no.

even on day's Katsuki was grounded, in trouble, or any of the sort; izuku was still allowed to accompany the other.

izuku didn't know this, but katsuki's mom actually adored the freckled boy, and was so grateful katsuki hung out with someone who didn't resemble the same hostility he did.

"fine, but don't get your hopes up, she'll never say no to you—not if she keeps treating you like a pretty little princess anyway."

katsuki smirks at his own words, turning and continuing to walk to the car.


izuku then noted the car was right there, and gets in with no further questions.

they both get in the back, and Mitsuki looks in the rearview mirror to see the two.

"hey boys, how was school?" she asked with a smile.

"it was gre-"

katsuki cut him off briefly.

"yeah yeah it was great whatever. so can deku stay over?" he asked, already getting sick of this barely started conversation.

"kacchan that was rude!"

izuku said, panicking.

mitsuki whole heartedly laughed, and smiled.

"with that attitude i should say no, but it's Izuku so it's alright."

Izuku sighed in relief.

"told ya shit nerd." katsuki turned to half whisper to izuku.

katsuki laughed, turning his attention to his phone.

izuku admits, his curiosity got the best of him, and he slightly peered to see the blonds phone, revealing a contact of a name who'm he hadn't recognized.

Sora: so i thought maybe you and i can go to the mall or something this weekend..?
                                        sent 3:47 pm

Sora: don't wanna keep only hanging out at lunch lol
                                        sent 3:48 pm

izuku looked away in fear it was too obvious he was snooping, but also because he didn't want to see katsuki's reply.

what if he said yes? what if he only said yes because he secretly hated when izuku spent the night, and just needed a reason to get away from him? what if—

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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