
107 1 0

Harry ~ @biwholived
Ron ~ @ronwtheking
Hermione ~ @mionejean
Luna ~ @lunalovesu
Ginny ~ @quidditchgin
Neville ~ @flowerboy
Draco ~ @dmalfoy
Blaise ~ @zabinishow
Pansy ~ @pansysexual
Theo ~ @nottheo

Side-ish Characters:
Dean ~ @seamussbf
Seamus ~ @deansbf
Cho ~ @chosphotoalbum
Lavender ~ @lilaclav
Parvati ~ @bestpatil

There will likely be random users in some comments sections and things like that too

Sexuality Headcanons:
Harry ~ Bisexual
Ron ~ Pansexual
Hermione ~ Bisexual
Luna ~ Pansexual 
Ginny ~ Lesbian
Neville ~ Omnisexual
Draco ~ Gay
Blaise ~ Bisexual
Pansy ~ Lesbian
Theo ~ Gay
Dean ~ Bisexual
Seamus ~ Gay
Cho ~ Bi-curious
Lavender ~ Pansexual
Parvati ~ Bi-curious

Ships (could change I'm not sure yet):
Drarry (Draco x Harry)
Pansmione (Pansy x Hermione)
Bron / Ronlaise (Ron x Blaise)
Deamus (Dean x Seamus)
Nuna (Neville x Luna)
Chinny (Cho x Ginny)
Parvender / Larvati (Lavender x Parvati)
Theo x no one (probably will change maybe hopefully cause I love theo)

Also the name of the fic is totally random and based on the song by The Marías cause I absolutely love them so yeah check them out they're amazing

Little by Little ~ HP Instagram AuWhere stories live. Discover now