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liked by biwholived and 3,197 othersmionejean i think they like each other :)

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liked by biwholived and 3,197 others
mionejean i think they like each other :)

biwholived is that
  ronwtheking i think it is mate
     deansbf are we even surprised
        seamussbf nope

dmalfoy pansy.
  pansysexual yes 🥰🥰🥰
     dmalfoy is that ur cat
        pansysexual no comment

lunalovesu theyre adorable together
  quidditchgin ikr actual goals
     chosphotoalbum theyre so coupley its so cute
       mionejean :))

lunalovesu theyre adorable together  quidditchgin ikr actual goals     chosphotoalbum theyre so coupley its so cute       mionejean :))

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liked by zabinishow and 2,684 others
pansysexual someone sos send help she invited me over and wont stop studying
tagged mionejean

zabinishow smth is going on im calling it
  nottheo i second that
    dmalfoy ^^^^
      ronwtheking cannot believe im agreeing with you guys
       biwholived me neither

mionejean i'm sorry i'll stop soon :(
   pansysexual its ok ill be patient and wait for u
     deansbf that sounds like some shit id say to dean...
        seamussbf it is smth youve said to me
nottheo this is so coupley pansy do u have smth u wanna tell us
  zabinishow were suspecting you pansy u cant hide ur secrets from us 🕵️‍♂️

        seamussbf it is smth youve said to me       nottheo this is so coupley pansy do u have smth u wanna tell us  zabinishow were suspecting you pansy u cant hide ur secrets from us 🕵️‍♂️

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liked by pansysexual and 4,045 others
mionejeane crookshanks approves ❤️

  zabinishow WE CALLED IT

biwholived HELLO??? MIONE THIS IS SO CUTE????
  ronwtheking i was only half joking when i was agreeing with zabini and them i was not expecting this
   biwholived IKR

pansysexual this is so cute
  mionejean you helped me pick the photo give yourself some credit

lunalovesu adorable!! wish u guys the best from me and neville :)))
  mionejean thank you luna!

quidditchgin i hate happy gay couples (u guys r rlly cute together)
  nottheo me too (this is my new favorite couple)
    deansbf im offended were not ur favorite
      nottheo u guys make me even more jealous as a gay man🖕

lilaclav omgomgomgomgomg
  bestpatil my actual reaction
    chosphotoalbum I KNOW RIGHT THEYRE SO CUTEEE

dmalfoy pansy whyd u get into a relationship before me
  pansysexual stop being jealous because ur too scared to make a move on the guy u like
    dmalfoy i hate u whyd u have to announce that
      pansysexual love u too 😘😘

mionejean thank you everyone for the wishes and sweet compliments we both appreciate it :)))

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