Would You Play With Me

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Clarissa was the first one to wake up.  When she woke up first she looked at her daughter sleeping and drooling over the pillow, her legs and arms spread open like she was the only person in the bed. Her children was everything to Clarissa. Although they were so close and Clarissa saw them everyday, when her eldest children moved out Clarissa felt like they were all grown up and left her. Her little baby birds flew from the nest and there lay Rowena the last one staying with her. Clarissa never wanted Rowena to grow up, she never wanted any of them to grow up she wanted to hug them and rock them to sleep and tell them bedtime stories but now even Rowena told her she was too old for that. When Clarissa watched her daughter sleeping so innocently ( not a trace of the troublemaker she normally was) she didn't think she was too old at all, she thought 'there lies my baby girl who couldn't even walk yesterday'.

 Then Clarissa's eyes went to her wife who was sleeping with her wild hair, snoring lightly, one of her arms on Clarissa's waists and her left leg on her as well. 'she shouldn't sleep like this she is gonna hurt her leg' Clarissa thought. Rowena was a spitting image of her mom looks and attitude, except her dark skin and of course her chubby cheeks with her baby fat. She reminded her so much of Lesso. She was hard on the outside but so fluffy from the inside, she was mostly mean and sarcastic, she cared for the school so much and she thought she was this invincible, tough, emotionless villian. And she looked so cute thinking that. 

Clarissa looked at the clock and see that it was time for breakfast, she slowly kissed Rowena and whispered for her to wake up. Obviously that didn't worked so she rocked her up gently while she called her name. When Rowena woke up she muttered something and tried to go back to sleep. Clarissa kissed and gently nudged Leonora too. When Leonora woke up she yelled "Come on sleepyhead time for breakfast." Rowena now wide awake yelled: "Why are you yelling in the sparrowfart like a crazy lady." After that everything was usual. Clarissa helped Rowena into a purple dress and then she dressed herself and did her make up, while she did her make up Leonora helped Rowena wash her face and brush her teeth, after everyone was ready they started to walk towards the dinning hall. "Mommies can we play together today please." said Rowena. Clarissa answered: "Owh honey, you now it is time of the exams, we have a lot of grading to do. But you can sit in my office and play with your dolls if you promise to be quiet." Rowena frowned: "But I don't want to play in your office I want to play with you. I want to play princess and the wicked witch like the old times." "Rowena your mommy already told you that we are busy but we promise we will play with you when the exams are over." said Lesso. Rowena not being happy with the answer she heard let go of her mothers' hands and started running towards the dining hall. "Young lady come here and don't make me yell." said Lesso. "Rowena darling don't be sad." said Clarissa with a soft tone and a hint of sadness. But Rowena didn't look back.

When she was running she bumped into Castor who yelled: " DON'T RUN IN THE DINNING HALL YOU LITTLE RASCAL." She didn't stop. She directly went to get her basket and then she looked at the dining hall and when she spotted her brother she run towards him.

 She took his friends basket and put it aside as the Ever boy protested with an 'Hey' then she put her basket on the spot. After that she slipped between her brother and his friend and she nudge the boy to move. "What? You want me to sit on you or something? Move!" she said angrily. The boy moved.  "Rowena what are you doing? You can't just come here and shove my friend away and yell at him. That is rude."  He warned her with a calm voice and a frown. Rowena didn't seem to understand the problem. "I am rude." She said matter-of-factly. Her brother sighed. "But you can't be rude Rowena, you should be kind to people. Now please apologize." he said. But Rowena didn't like that. She didn't wanted to apologize, now she was angry at that boy who made her brother angry with her. She wanted to hit him in the arm but that would make his brother even more mad and her mommy always said to her that it was not okay to hurt people because then they would feel bad like Rowena did when she fall. So Rowena always tried not to choose that path although sometimes she failed. "No, I don't want to." she said "Rowena you can't just come here and disrespect my friends apologize." he said. Rowena look around her. 6 Ever boys were looking her with judgy eyes. Now it was impossible for her to apologize. She looked at the boy she shoved away angrily. "Tell him it is okay." she yelled. Boy was muscular and tall but still he was intimitated by her look. Plus this girl was crazy, she stabbed a teacher with a fork once. And it wasn't like he could fight a girl, specially a 6 years old girl. "It is really okay Theo. She is still just a child." She didn't like that last comment. "No it is not okay. She has to learn how to talk to people." She looked at her brother frowning. "But it is so unfair. He has thousands of friends to sit next to but I have only one brother." Now seeing her sisters eyes get watery when she  looked at the floor and cross her arms Theodore understood this moodiness of his sister was because she was sad and being tenderhearted boy he was he hugged her and said "Okay, but don't do it again okay. Next time just ask." Rowena was happy now and he hug his brother back. "Did I ever tell you that you are my favorite sibling." Rowena said looking at his brother with innocent eyes. Theodore was smart enough to know that she was gonna ask for something.  "Theo would you play a game with me today please?" She looked at him with her pretty doe eyes she used whenever she wanted something, got that from her mommy her mama always said. "I would love to but I have exams I need to work for." Rowena didn't looked convinced. "Is that what you are gonna do all day? Studying. Okay then, I will watch you all day and make sure you did  nothing but that." He looked like he was caught but he steady his face quickly. "Come on Rowena I have lessons and then I am gonna go to the Groom Room. After that we are gonna practise with swords with the boys." Rowena's eyes went wide open with hope. "You can practise with me I am good at playing with swords. I will probably kick all their butts in swordsplaying. "Language!" He warned her. He didn't wanted to make his sister upset but he really needed to practise for Proffesor Espada's exam. "It is not a game Rowena I need to practise really hard with the boys to be top of my class. You can get hurt so I can't practise with you, okay. When my exams are over we can play okay." Rowena got really mad that her brother called her weak in front of all those stupid Ever boys. She hated him. She was strong and tough and she could kick anybodys ass she wanted.  When Rowena didn't know how to deal with this feeling of disappointment and embarrasment she did what she did best and turned it to anger. Her hand went to his brothers sandwich and she cut it into pieces with her hands while she yelled: "I hate you! You are my least favorite sibling." Then she bashed his tomatoes and cheese with her hand and when he started to yell her name she run away. She could hear someone from the teachers table getting up and starting to walk.

Then she looked around and when she saw her sister she started to run towards her and she hugged her. "Ani no one wants to play with me and Theo called me weak in front of his stupied friends. I wished I kicked his ass there. He would see who is the weak one." Her sister hugged her. "Owh Rowei I am sure he didn't mean to hurt your feelings and I am sure they want to play with you but you know these are exam weeks. And we don't call people names and violence is never the solution." She hugged her sister tighter her eyes watering against her best efforts. "I hate stupid exam week! You will play with me right Ani?" Anabella looked at her sisters teary eyes, so alone. She remembered how she felt when her brother had left home and now both of them gone she couldn't even imagine  how her sister must have felt. "Ow honey if this really means so much to you then I will play with you." Rowena's eyes brightened with happiness she hugged her sister with all her strength and said: "You are my favourite sibling." Then she wishpered to her: "After dinner we can sneak into the kitchen and eat if there are leftover cheesecakes." Her sister stopped for a second and mumbled  'After dinner?' She locked her eyes somewhere behind Rowena.  One of her friends said in a low voice: "Aren't you gonna meet with  Otto after dinner?" When she looked at where her sister was looking she saw the boy sitting next to their brother looking at her Ani. Ani had a boyfriend? 'That was what she always wanted' thought Rowena. 'She is the only one who cares for me here and now she has a boyfriend she will marry him and leave me to die alone.' Rowena looked at her sister like she was betrayed as she stood up. She was gonna be all alone.

 When she turned around she saw her mama watching her. Then she noticed everyone was watching her. Ow no there were tears in her cheeks. She was crying! Her mama was frowning at her. She disappointed her just like she always disappointed her mommy. She was looking weak in front of everyone. The boys she called stupid were looking at her with pitty.  She needed to be tough, threatening but she was breaking down in front of all this people. She needed to run. So she run trying to run past her mama but Leonora hold her from her arm. "It is enough Rowena. You are making a scene. Stop being so spoiled and  sit in your seat." Rowena tried to break free but her mama didn't let her go. She tried to run but she couldn't. "I am not gonna eat." Rowena yelled while she tried to open her mothers grasp with her little hand. "Lesso let her go and young lady come here immidiatelly." said Clarissa. Rowena was trying harder by the second as her mother started to walk towards the teachers table. "Yes you are eating Rowena." said Lesso strictly. Rowena's embarrasment grew bigger by the second everyone wacthing her, so weak so unable. She looked at her mommy who was looking at her sadly then she saw Bilious, laughing in quiet. That was the last straw she needed. With all her embarrasment and sadness exploding in her, her purple fingerflow lighted and she threw a random spell in the air that she didn't now what it was which made her mama let her go. Then she started to run towards the school for evil. Her mama was gonna be really angry but she didn't care for that at the moment. All she could feel was an urge telling her to run as she heard the voices of the wolfes and fairys following her.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi everyone. Thank you for reading my story. I know it is not that good but English is not my first language. I hope you like it.

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