A Deal With A Catch

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As Rowena walked at the halls she almost walked at every single day, she was suprised how unfamiliar it felt, despite the halls looking almost exactly the same. Rowena wasn't mature enough to know that what felt so unfamiliar was not where she was walking, it was rather who she was walking it with, someone who she loved very deeply from a time where she did not belong to. Clarissa though was mature enough.  As she followed Lady Lesso in the halls of The School for Evil she knew that, the very strange feeling in her heart composed of excitement, love and fear was for the first time not caused by her fellow dean but caused by the little girl who was holding her hand and walking by her side at the moment.

Normal people had 9 months to prepare to be a parent whereas she had no time at all. So no one could blame her if she secretly wanted all these to be a nightmare. Of course she would like to be with her true love and have children one day, just not today. Clarissa felt so guilty as these thoughts wondered in her head. She felt like she was betraying to the girl whom she held the hand of. And of course there was the boy who was walking just behind Lesso. She didn't even know his name. And there was the girl with the magnificent golden locks who reminded her so much of herself from when she was a child. Anabella she recalled the girls name. 'What a beatiful name' she tought. But wasn't three a lot. One is good, two is great but three? How did Lesso even agreed to this?

"This is not the way, it is a trap!" yelled Rowena, robbing her mommy from her thoughts. She pointed at her mama with no intentions of using her finger glow and she accused her mama saying: "You are trying to trick us." 

Lesso sharply turned towards her future daughter with a deathly gaze and a pouting face. Her mask was so good it didn't even fall for a second when she saw the exact same expression in her face, in her daughters face. 

"Why would she do that? Maybe you just got the halls mixed Rowena." said Clarissa with some bewilderedness in her face, her eyes wondering between the faces of the little Never and the Evil Dean. Trying to protect the peace between the two redheaded troublemakers, hoping that a fight wouldn't break out.

"Because she is sneaky and she is testing me!" spatted Rowena. Holding her mommy's hand tightley as she stared daggers at her mama.  

"Owh really? Well where do you go to my room from?" asked Lesso pointedly with the anger of being questioned by a six years old. With that Rowena started tell the road she used in the secret passages to go to the room and enter from the ventilation.

"Well smart-ass..." "Lesso!" "How do you think we will fit trough the fucking..." "Lessoo!" "ventilation. Especially your mother with her awfully puffy dress." asked Lesso with boiling anger in her. Her loud voice rising even more, if it was possible of course. "We are going to the door you stupied dwarf!" "That is enough Lesso!" said Dovey hugging to little Rowena as her future son said: "Do not talk to her like that." 

Rowena only looked at her mama with eyes boiling with anger , but also so focused, so determined. Her cheeks red from both shame and anger. "She is just a child Lesso. Just a little child."  said Dovey looking at Lesso who was looking staright at Rowena's eyes until Clarissa talked. The moment Lesso looked at Clarissa she understood the underlying meaning of her sentence. 'Our little child'  Lesso looked at the ground for a second with shame, and then not wanting anyone to notice her regret she raised her head. 

"Let's just move on, time is very precious in our situation." said Sheeba Sheeks trying to break the tension. With that Lesso started to walk  towards the way they came from. 

"Where are you going?" asked Dovey with curiosity. "The room is this way." said Lesso with a low voice. "I KNEW IT!" yelled Rowena with the expression of hard-earned victory in her face, throwing her hands in the air with pride and happiness. "Then why did you yell at the child?" Clarissa asked with shock and anger hitting her at the same time opening her hands in a questioning manner. When no answer came from the Evil Dean she looked at the boy who started following his mother with an exhausted face. Not shocked, not angry just with an exhausted face that said 'Again?' or 'Even now?'. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2023 ⏰

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